People's Daily | Go all the way to flood prevention and drought -the south has continued to strengthen the rainfall in the north.

Author:China Emergency Management New Time:2022.06.20

On June 18, the process of continued heavy rainfall in Rongshui Miao Autonomous County, Liuzhou City, Guangxi, and flooding in the long water conservancy hub. Li Hanchi Photo (Image China)

At 18:00 on June 19, the Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning of heavy rain. It is expected that from the night of the 19th to the 21st, there are heavy rain in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Jiangnan, South China, and southern Guizhou. For short -term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms and other strong stream weather.

In the afternoon of the 19th, high temperature weather above 35 ° C, central and western Inner Mongolia, central Shaanxi, Shanxi, northwest of Hebei, south, Henan, and central and western Shandong, and some areas reached 38-39 ° C. The China Meteorological Administration has launched a high -temperature level four emergency response on the 18th. At 18:00 on the 19th, the Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a high -temperature orange warning.

The National Defense Federation continues to maintain the three -level emergency response of the flood prevention and the Ministry of Water Response and the China Meteorological Administration jointly issued the red mountain flood disaster meteorological warning

The National Defense Corporation continued to maintain a three -level emergency response of flood prevention on June 19. The working group and expert groups have been sent to guidance and assistance to local flood prevention and flood resistance in Guangdong and Guangxi. The working group sent by the State Disaster Reduction Commission and the Ministry of Emergency Management is instructing and assisting the localities to do a good job of rescue rescue work such as the resettlement of the affected people in Jiangxi and Fujian. The Emergency Management Department, together with the State Food and Material Reserve Bureau, dialed the central disaster supplies such as tents, Xia Liang quilts, folding beds, and family emergency packages to Guangxi a few days ago.

The Ministry of Water Resources and the China Meteorological Administration jointly issued the red mountain flood disaster meteorological warning at 18:00 on June 19. It is estimated that from 20:00 to 20:00 on the 19th, the possibility of flood disasters in parts of Zhejiang, northeastern Jiangxi and other areas is high, and it is an orange warning. Among them, the possibility of mountain flood disasters in the northeastern area of ​​Jiangxi is a red warning.

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Water Resources: Affected by the recent rainfall, the Pearl River Basin Xijiang dry flow of Guangxi Wuzhou Station rose to 20.95 meters on June 19, exceeding the alert water level 2.45 meters, and the corresponding flow of 34,500 cubic meters per second; Shijiao Station rose to 12,000 cubic meters per second at 12:00 on June 19.

In response to the large floods of the Pearl River Basin, the Ministry of Water Resources maintained a level III emergency response to the water -drought disaster defense of the water and drought disaster in Guangdong and Guangxi, and continued to issue a yellow warning of the flood on June 19. The Ministry of Water Conservancy will further arrange the deployment of flood dispatching and defense in the Pearl River Basin, closely monitor the rainwater conditions, and scientifically dispatch the use of water projects to effectively reduce the pressure of flood defense in key river sections such as the Wuzhou section of Xijiang, and strengthen the safety of the reservoir in the rainfall area. The flood and flood disaster defense of small and medium rivers, do a good job of warning release, dangerous inspections, and dangerous district personnel to transfer risks.

Many departments in many places in the south should deal with flood prevention and disaster relief work

The reporter learned from the Flood Control Office of Fujian Province: On June 19, there were heavy rain to heavy rain in Nanping's gloss, Wuyi Mountain, Jianyang, Songxi and other places, and local heavy rain. The 24 -hour rainfall is 40-70 mm, the local area can reach 120 mm, and the maximum hourly rainfall is 60 mm. On the 19th, Fujian Province's anti -finger responded to the emergency response of ritual rains III.

The reporter learned from the Jiangxi Provincial Flood Control and Drought Resistance Headquarters that, in view of the current flood prevention situation, the Jiangxi Provincial Defense Index decided to increase the emergency response to the flood prevention level IV emergency response to the level III emergency response from 14:00 on June 19. In response to this round of rainfall, the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Emergency Management issued a rolling warning forecast information, and required a large number of counties and districts to strengthen prevention, and earnestly make emergency preparations, personnel transfers in advance and disaster reporting.

Recently, the heavy rainfall in Guangdong Province has been frequent. From the evening of June 18th to 19th, there were heavy rain to heavy rain in Qingyuan and Shaoguan, and heavy rains appeared in some areas of Zhaoqing, Foshan and other places. As of 17:00 on the 19th, there were still 2 heavy rain orange warning signals, 12 heavy rain yellow warning signals, and 10 thunderstorms and yellow warning signals in the province.

At 1:00 on June 19th, the Hydrological Center of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region upgraded the yellow warning of the flood. According to the inspection of the hydrological department, 21 rivers such as Guijiang and Xiangjiang will have super police floods. According to statistics, from the 1st to 15th, the average rainfall of the city in Wuzhou, Guangxi was 230 mm, which was 70 % over the same period. The Guangxi Flood Control Office made every effort to flood relief, adjust 14 batches of supplies such as enclosure fence, water absorption and swelling sacks, and rubber boats, and distributed to the most needed places in time.

On June 18, the Guizhou Flood Control Drought Resistance Headquarters raised the emergency response of the Flood Control Class IV emergency response to the level III, requiring the relevant cities (states) and counties (cities, districts) in the rainfall area to immediately enter In emergency status, quickly organize various safety prevention measures, strengthen inspections and defense of key areas such as flood disaster dangerous areas, hidden geological disasters, Linya Linshui Village, and reservoir and hydropower stations, and transfer to the masses in advance.

High -temperature weather appears in many places in the north. This round of high temperature weather duration, large intensity, and extensive influence

Recently, high -temperature weather in Hebei Province has continuously appeared. According to data from Hebei Meteorological Observatory, from June 16-18, in the southwestern part of Zhangjiakou, central and southern Shijiazhuang, Cangzhou and southern regions, a total of 66 counties (cities, districts) appeared above 35 ° C.

The reporter learned from the Climate Center of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region: From June 15-18, the regional high temperature process in the central and western parts of Inner Mongolia, the 43 national ground meteorological stations in the region were affected by high temperature weather above 35 ° C. At present — 4 days, the maximum temperature of the process is between 35.2-41.8 ° C. The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region's flood prevention and drought resistance headquarters requested that they must do everything possible to ensure the production of water and production of people and animals, guide herdsmen to plan for the transfer of fedling materials in advance, and give play to the role of water conservancy projects in drought resistance. The Shandong Provincial Meteorological Observatory issued a high -temperature orange warning at 17:00 on June 19. It is expected that on 20-22, Shandong Province will continue to have a large range of high temperatures above 37 ° C. To this end, Shandong Province requires science to do a good job in heatstroke and cooling, and arrange the outdoor operation time reasonably. It is closely investigated by workplace and job positions that are vulnerable to high temperatures. Essence

The reporter learned from the Henan Provincial Meteorological Bureau: On June 19, high temperatures above 35 ° C in many counties and cities north of Huaihe River in Henan Province, the highest temperature in the north and most counties and cities in the north and the central and eastern regions was 37-39 ° C. 39.7 ° C in Qibin District of the city. In response to the high temperature of this round, on the 14th, the weather disaster defense and artificial impact weather headquarters and Henan Meteorological Bureau of the Henan Provincial People's Government launched high -temperature responses of high -temperature level four, and the high temperature emergency response was increased to three levels on the 18th. In addition, the Henan Provincial Meteorological Bureau and the Agricultural and Rural Department issued a high -risk warning of agricultural drought disasters.

Since June 15, Ningxia has issued high -temperature warnings in many places. According to the forecast of the meteorological department, from 15-19, the city of Yinchuan and Shizuishan, Wuzhong and Zhongwei City had high temperature weather at 35 ° C and above.

Fang Ye, the national chief forecaster and the senior engineer of the Central Meteorological Observatory, said that the high temperature weather duration, strong intensity, and extensive influence in this round of high temperature weather. Due to the long -term control of the northern region of my country and the inactivation of cold air, it has created continuous high temperature weather together. From the 22nd, the warm ridge began to disappear. The mid -layer gas flowing was flat and shallow, which was conducive to bringing weak and cold air to enter, allowing the high temperature of North China Huanghuai to be relieved to a certain extent.

The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that from June 20-21, south of Shanxi, southern Henan, Henan, Shandong, and northern Jiangsu and Wanju, and western Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi and other places will appear in high temperature. Around 40 ° C. Meteorological experts remind that high temperature weather continues. The public needs to pay attention to electricity safety, reduce outdoor activities, and take measures to prevent heatstroke and cool down. In areas where high temperature weather causes severe drought, water sources should be prepared in time to irrigate crops.

● Source: People's Daily

● Edit: Dong Chen

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