[Learn and implement the spirit of the Provincial Party Congress] Jiuquan Subei: Various types of benefits of people will be paid in place in time

Author:Subei Published Time:2022.06.20

Since 2022, Subei County has conscientiously implemented the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the spirit of the provincial and city party congress, continuously improved the management level of benefiting the management of financial subsidies, strictly regulated the management of benefits of people's funds, ensured all the benefits of all benefits The civil policy has been implemented, and the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the masses are effectively enhanced.

As of now, the county has issued a total of five aspects of benefit funds, a total of 19.4373 million yuan, and benefiting 3,433 people. The expenditures of these funds are focused on helping market players and difficult people, protecting basic people's livelihood, guaranteeing employment, and playing an important role in stabilizing the basic economic market and ensuring basic people's livelihood. The smooth development of construction and poverty alleviation is of great significance. In the next step, various tasks will be completed on time in accordance with the requirements of the provincial and cities, and the people's livelihood projects will always be the first to further improve the management system of benefiting the people, strictly implement the policy of benefiting the people, and ensure the maximum interests of the people. At the same time, the shortcomings, strong weaknesses, continuously improving economic strength, breaking through the bottleneck of development, and making every effort to promote high -quality development in the complex situation in the complex situation. (Zhu Rui Zhu Yulong)

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