"Party Construction Scholarship" Xu Baojian: Why can't we eat such apples

Author:Chang'an Street Reading Club Time:2022.09.08

Xu Baojian: Why can't we eat such apples

Party building


In the early autumn, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to Liaoning to inspect. The first stop of the General Secretary's inspection is the Memorial Museum of Liaoshen and Shen in Jinzhou. In the media published in the media, the inspection of Liaoning documentary, there is such a description:

It was during the Battle of Liaoning and Shen, and Apple in the Jinzhou country was familiar. Although the PLA soldiers who passed the march passed, although they were hungry, they did not pick them. The discipline of the People's Army led by the Communist Party has won the hearts of the people. "Chairman Mao said,‘ It ’s very noble, and it’ s very despicable, because it ’s the people’ s apple ’. We ca n’t eat such an apple now.” General Secretary Xi Jinping ’s words are meaningful.

This description left me a deep impression. I believe that many party members and cadres will be impressed after reading, and at the same time, they will also have such questions: Why didn't the PLA soldiers eat apples at that time? Why did Mao Zedong emphasize that "not eating is very noble, and eating is very despicable"? After more than 70 years, why did General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasize that "we can't eat such an apple now?"

A apple is not just an apple!

"The Battle of Liaoning and Shen, this battle determines destiny. How are we fiercely fighting here to overcome Jinzhou!" Even in the fighting march, even if we are hungry and thirsty, we may sacrifice even tomorrow. In the context of life, in the face of mature apples in the country, they did not pick them. This fully showed that the party led by the party is not only a heroic division, but also a division of benevolence and the people of the people. The endless power comes from the thorough love for the people. In the process of the Liberation War of Northeast and the Battle of Liaoning and Shen, the people of the Northeast issued a voices of "the people of the people, the people's insurance", which set off a wave of Baojiabao Tian and joined the army. … Just as General Secretary Xi Jinping lamented during the visit: "Our victory is sacrificed by millions of people, which is more from the people. The victory of the Jiang Battle was drawn by the people with a small boat. The victory of the Liaoning and Shenzhen Campaign was fully supported by the people of the Northeast. "" I am a soldier, from the common people. " The people's army comes from the people; the blood of the blood is sacrificed for the people. In just three years, the party's leadership defeated the Kuomintang's well -equipped 8 million troops, creating a miracle in the history of war. This is the most vivid portrayal of "unity of military and civilians, trying to see who can be enemy in the world". It is not only the equipment, but also the hearts of the war that determines the victory and defeat of the war. A apple reflects the people's heart. This is the moment of inspiration that "such apples can't eat".

Mao Zedong gave a clear answer because it was very despicable that "not eating is very noble, and it was very despicable" why he could not eat it: because it was the people of the people. Not eating the people's apples is the fine tradition of the people's army. As the founder of the People's Army, after the uprising of the autumn harvest in 1927, Mao Zedong led the workers and peasants Red Army to the Jinggangshan. At that time, the season of sweet potato harvested. Before the troops set off, Mao Zedong officially announced the three major disciplines. sweet potato. In 1928, Mao Zedong proposed the "three major discipline and six attention" of the Workers and Peasants Revolutionary Army. The second article of "three disciplines" is: do not take workers and farmers a little. Since then, it has developed into "three major disciplines and eight attention", and "not taking the masses one by one" has become the iron discipline of the people's army. The party's discipline of the people's army has won the hearts of the people, and only the victory of the Huaihai Campaign launched by the people with a cart, the victory of crossing the river by the boat, and the victory of the Liaoning Campaign that the Northeast China fully supported to fight. ... A sweet potato, an apple, one stitch and one line and one time and over time are closely related, forming an inherent connection that invisible but very distinctive inner connections. Such an apple is overweight, better than steel and iron. "We can't eat such an apple now." General Secretary Xi Jinping's words were cinerd and meaningful. More than 70 years have passed. From the war of liberation to the new era of New China, "such an apple cannot be eaten" and consistent, although we have developed into the world's second largest economy, although our fruit basket is rich, the people are rich, but the people’s people are rich, but the people are the people. Apple still cannot eat, and it will lose people's hearts when eating. The Communist Party led the people's army to fight rivers and mountains, guarding the country, and guarding the hearts of the people. The people's hearts can't keep it, and the rivers and mountains can't keep it. The collapse of the Soviet Communist Party overnight is naturally caused by many reasons, but the most fundamental one is to eat the people's apples, lose the support of the people, and move towards the people's opposite. Remember forever. After the visit, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "If you want to change color, the people will never agree! We must keep this rivers and mountains, strive to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and comfort the revolutionary ancestors."

Xu Baojian: Member of Chang'an Street Reading Club and President of the Central Party School Newspaper

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Responsible editor: Han Peitao; preliminary review: Cheng Ziqian; review: Li Yufan

The Changan Street Reading Club was initiated with the encouragement and support of the old Central Government, and aimed at inheriting the legacy of the Prime Minister and practicing the reading of the whole people. Reading, studying, raising talents, and reporting to the country for the rise of China. More than 1,000 members are mainly from young cadres from the central and state organs near Chang'an Street, students of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (National Academy of Administration), National Party Representatives, National Committee of the National Two Association The person in charge of the national high -end think tank, the Political Bureau of the Central Politburo collectively learned the lecturer and the senior publisher and scholars of the central publishing institutions. In the new era, he insisted on reading politics and actively inheriting the development of Chinese excellent traditional culture.

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