Wu Zhong: Zhennong's farmers in "technology" to help farmers help rural rejuvenation

Author:Wu Zhong released Time:2022.09.08

Source: Wu Zhongwang

In recent years, the city has conducted in -depth implementation of the development of agricultural scientific and technological innovation, providing scientific and technological support for the development of modern agriculture and the construction of beautiful rural areas. Jizon farmers are "technology", and agricultural scientific and technological innovation leads the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside.

In the Jiangtan Village Facilities Agricultural Industrial Park in Yesheng Town, "black technology" such as the intelligent control instrument, 4G solar camera, soil and meteorological testing can be seen everywhere. The technical person in charge Wang Kai is carrying out remote control on the mobile phone to water the fruitless shed.

"We are using the newly launched 'Bronze Gorge Cloud Farm' WeChat Mini Program. In this applet, not only can it open the quilt switch and air outlet switch of the greenhouse remotely, but also watering and fertilizing crops can also be easily on the mobile phone. Realization. "Wang Kai said.

Since the beginning of this year, the city has followed the development of information technologies such as Internet of Things, large data, 5G, and artificial intelligence, accelerating the development of digital agriculture and agricultural modernization, and implementing national digital planting industry innovation application base projects. At present, the project has completed 28.3 million yuan, 90%of the construction tasks, and it is expected to be delivered at the end of the month.

On the work platform of the city's farm smart agricultural demonstration zone, a group of new data is constantly appearing on the screen. It can collect data information such as the temperature, humidity, wind, atmosphere, and rainfall of farmland in real time, and process it in time according to needs.

"We are directly related to farmers. At present, this set of AIGIS agricultural information geographic information systems. This system is where each farmer's plot is, what is the contact information, and what kind of breeds are planted. Taking medicine, rotation, and harvesting services can accurately find farmers, "said Dong Ruifang, the project product manager.

"The construction project of the digital land demonstration base in our city mainly provides more convenient and scientific technologies for growers from the aspects of planting management, production and sales, and brand traceability. Such a system, laid the foundation for the city's agricultural product production and sales, agricultural weight loss medicine green development, farmers enjoying inclusive digital agricultural science and technology dividends. Next, the area of ​​590,000 acres of agricultural grain production bases in our city is included. Said Yuan Tao, the director of the Agricultural Industry Service Center of the Agricultural and Rural Bureau of the Agricultural and Rural Bureau of the Agricultural and Rural Bureau of the Agricultural and Rural Bureau.

In the fields of Tawan Village, Jinji Town, Litong District, soybeans, corn, and cabbage are ridge, "each is a line", and it is self -contained. A string of heavy, green pods falling on the branches, and the villagers are harvesting and sorting, a busy harvest scene.

Tan Tanlong, the person in charge of Yhehe Nong Machinery Work Service Co., Ltd. leaned down, stroked the lush soybeans, and laughed. For nearly 40 years of grain, Tan Zhenlong has been trying this new model this year. However, according to the current growth, Jinqiu's collection is already nail on the board.

The development of the new model of "Jade Beana" seeding, Yitian collected more "set" new hope. "This model we tried this year, wheat set soybeans, wheat finished the re -planting vegetables, achieved three closes a year, and also realized the efficient use of new varieties, new technologies, new models, and new equipment in agricultural production." Tan Zhenlong said.

Intelligent agricultural machinery rushed into the field. In another land of Tan Zhenlong, the wheat 'cultivation and broadcasting integration "average broadcasting machine was flattened under the operation of the staff.

Pointing at this machine, Tan Zhenlong introduced that this "iron guy" is equipped with intelligent small motors and Beidou navigation auxiliary driving systems. When it is flat, you can get it one after another after the uniforms.

"Today, the flying and the ground on the ground has become a good helper for our land. The land has used high -tech, and it is unclear all year round." Tao Xiaobo, a villager in Jiangtan Village, said. Niu La "to" machine cultivation ", from" eating by the sky "to" data empowerment ", today's production has become more and more efficient, more and more scientific and technological, and a woman can grow tens of acres of land. (Reporter Ma Yiping Zou Li)

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