New way of detoxification society service first judicial system community detoxification (rehabilitation) guide the general station to the land of Tianfu New District

Author:Cover news Time:2022.06.20

Cover news reporter Yu Ting

Drugs are forbidden, and merits are in contemporary times. June 26, 2022 is the 35th "International Anti -Drug Day". On June 20, the Sichuan Provincial Detoxification Administration and the Sichuan Tianfu New District Anti -drug Committee held in Nanhu Park, Huayang Street, Tianfu New District to give a gift " The 20th National Congress of Drug Control Campaign, and the guidance of the Detoxification (Rehabilitation) of the Tianfu New District Community Detoxification (Rehabilitation) of Xinhua, Sichuan Province, was unveiled. At the event site, there were also anti -epidemic dances brought by the police of detoxification, the theme song "Guardian Flower", the anti -drug sketch "Awakening", the anti -drug publicity scattered review book, etc.

"The Provincial Detoxification Administration and Tianfu New Area cooperated together to build the Sichuan Xinhua Compulsory Isolation Detoxification Office Tianfu New District Community Detoxification (Rehabilitation) Guidance Station. It is a specific measure of the three integrations of integration 'in the Sichuan judicial administrative detoxification system." It is understood that it is understood that The provincial Xinhua Qiangqi Institute has integrated the experience of detoxification medical treatment, psychological correction, education correction and other scientific detoxification measures such as the "Four Districts and Five Center" national unified detoxification model into the community detoxification (rehabilitation) work. Co -governance, establish a collaborative mechanism in various aspects of prevention, cracking down and governance, further improve the anti -drug social service system, further innovate anti -drug social service methods, and further improve the level of anti -drug social services.

"Fighting the anti -drug people's war in the new era and realizing the goal of banned drugs." An family secretary and director of the Provincial Detoxification Administration, An Jiaai, said that the establishment of the Guidance of the Terminus of the Tianfu New District of Tianfu New District, Xinhua, Sichuan Province, marked Sichuan The judicial administrative detoxification system has taken a solid step in the high -quality development of the local economy in the high -quality development of the local economy.

In recent years, the Sichuan judicial administrative detoxification system has attached great importance to the social extension work. The newly established Sichuan Xinhua Compulsory Isolation Detoxica Institute Tianfu New District Community Detoxification (Rehabilitation) Guidance Station will take Huayang Street as the core to radiate Tianfu New District to focus on anti -drug prevention and AIDS prevention. Publicity, community detoxification rehabilitation guidance, voluntary detoxification consultation, social psychological service and other social extension work, while further committed to consolidating the development of anti -drug work in Tianfu New District to standardize, specialized, and systematic deep -level innovation, improve the quality of anti -drug detoxification work and quality Social influence that integrates a new development pattern.

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