How much privacy information can be leaked in a courier list?

Author:Curious Dr. Time:2022.09.07

Maybe you don't notice it usually

A courier surface will leak how much privacy you will have you

With these information

Liar may also find your payment account

Even your consumption habits and economic capabilities

Can be analyzed

It is precisely because of this value

Your courier surface will be stared at by many people

The noodle list taken

They will be classified by them according to the type of product

Then just hang it online

There are a lot of people to come to the door to buy

As for the purchase price

There are also different grades

Our courier surface is generally divided into two types


"Mother and Baby" courier list

One can sell 4-5 yuan

"People in the circle" said

The "conversion rate" of this face order is the highest

As long

They will follow everyone's privacy situation

Set different trap

The most common routines

Pretend to customer service and courier to cheat money

The reason for use is generally

Then they will create a variety of "special circumstances"

Then teach you some strange "operation steps"

If they are always led by them

To the final payment link

That basically the balance is not guaranteed

Next teach you a few protection methods

Change the name in the receiving address

You can leave only one surname

You can also start a nickname

No real name

Liar is at least not convenient to confirm the information

Settings on the app

Hidden key information

This is not afraid of being sneaky

Before throwing away the courier packaging

Be sure to destroy the above personal information

Simple and rough can be pulled down to tear down

The elegant thing is to apply it with a marker pen

Or buy a special coating pen

all in all

Hidden information on the courier surface as much as possible

Do not let the criminals have any opportunity

One minute of Ph.D., the posture continues to rise

-The end of this issue-

- END -

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