Nucleic acid results automatically push!Qingdao people on Alipay search "Qingdao One Cross" can be subscribed by one -click Time:2022.09.07 · Lightning News, September 7th, nucleic acid testing is an important means to judge the infection of the new crown virus. It is a key measure to implement early discovery, early reports, early isolation, and early treatment of "four early" requirements. The Qingdao Municipal Party Committee's coordination of epidemic prevention and control and economic operation leadership group (headquarters) office previously released a decision to detect negative records in 4 days in 4 days of young personnel (including enrollment of young people), and the first line of nucleic acid detection signs below the "place code" below the "place code". From blue to yellow, that is, "bright yellow cards", the personnel restricted by the "bright yellow card" in the "place code" are restricted to enter the relevant places.

In order to facilitate the citizens, Qingdao Yitong Alipay Mini Program recently launched the nucleic acid results notification function. Shanghai Alipay searches "Qingdao One Code" into the applet, click "Agree" to complete the subscription in the "Nucleic acid Result Notice" dialog box. The subsequent nucleic acid detection results can be automatically reminded, which is very convenient.

Citizens who missed the time of community testing point can also search the "nucleic acid detection map" on the Alipay homepage to find the nearest nucleic acid detection agency. Information about the sampling point name, detailed address, service consultation telephone, specific service time, etc. of the sampling point of the "Inspection" have been included in the "nucleic acid testing map".

The Qingdao Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a reminder that if you need to take public transportation or enter the densely personnel places, please actively cooperate with the temperature testing and scanning of the site to achieve "every must be checked" and "every must sweep." At present, Qingdao Bus has achieved a "three -code unity". Citizens can complete the verification of relevant health information while using Alipay to use the Alipay code code. It is very convenient. Entering public places and opening Alipay to scan the "place code" to complete information registration.

Lightning News reporter Xin Peng Qingdao Report

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