In the autumn wind, enjoy riding music in Shanxi

Author:Fairview Taiyuan City Time:2022.09.07

The coolness of autumn always makes people feel comfortable. In this season, a happy cycling is definitely an indispensable ceremony for many people to welcome autumn. In fact, there are also many cycling routes in our province. Today, I recommend a few most classic routes to you. Come and make an appointment with family and friends to enjoy the fun and charm of cycling together.

NO1 Taiyuan Binhe Bicycles

Taiyuan Binhe bicycle lanes are set up along the east and west sides of the Fenhe, from Shanglan Fen River Manwater Bridge in the north, 2 kilometers south of the Yingbin Bridge in the south, 75 kilometers in length. Along the river landscape.

Binhe bicycle lanes set up entrances at many intersections along the way, equipped with bicycle parking points and shared bicycle rental points. You can enter the lane to start cycling journey when you ride your own bicycle or sweep a shared bicycle. The colorful lanes make people feel spiritual, riding on a bright road, and my mood is brisk.

The road is in the scene, and the scene is in the road. The surface of the Fenhe River is sparkling, and the people riding are very energetic. Watching the scene on the bicycle lane, you are the people in the scene. You are integrated with nature and interpret the beauty of the world.

NO2 Wutai Mountain Scenic Area Rolling Mountain Highway

Wutai Mountain, also known as Qingliang Mountain. Autumn, it is very cool here. As a cycling route, the highway on the mountain is not appropriate. The uphill is too large and has a sharp corner, and the risk of cycling is high. However, the mountain roads at the foot of Wutai Mountain are flat, the field of vision is wide, and the autumn scenery along the way is fine, which is suitable for cycling. Rider can choose to set off from the Yau Fangwan Village on the south side of Wutai Mountain to the west along the 128 County Road to the Lingjing Township People's Government, with a total length of 7 kilometers.

Ride at the foot of Wutai Mountain, and the wet mountain wind comes on. On both sides of the road, there are wild flowers such as multi -color daisy and dandelion -sized dandelion, as if the stars are scattered in the grass. As long as you get out of the car, you can smell the fragrance of these "stars".

Not far away are mountains and trees, and the sunlight passes through the trees and the mottled light and shadow in the forest grass. The speed of cycling must not be too fast, otherwise you will miss the pine -ranging attitude of the pine on the forest, and you may also be shocked by the fox who is foraging.

NO3 Changzhi Taihang Mountain Grand Canyon route

Changzhi Taihang Mountain Grand Canyon is located in the southeast of Huoguan County. It is one of the ten most beautiful canyons in China, covering an area of ​​225 square kilometers.

Although the scenic area cannot be cycled, there is a very complete construction along the scenic area outside the scenic area. The terrain is relatively flat, and the beautiful scenery can be seen from the riding highway. In addition, you can also set off from Dongjingling Village, Huguan County, moving east along the Provincial Highway 327, riding for 12 kilometers to rest at the visitor center. Rider with ample time and experienced riding experience can also ride to the Purple Tour Cave Visitor Center of Heilongtan, and then set off through the Shifu Line to complete the west, complete the around the scenic area for about 45 kilometers.

In the scenic area, the three major canyons of the Wuxi Gorge, Wang Mang Gorge, and Longquan Gorge have more than 400 landscapes in series, which can be described as "seeing it as a peak on the side of the mountain." Riding around the scenic area, the road is open and pleasant.

NO4 Linfenfen River Park route

Linfenfen River Park is located on the banks of the Fenhe River in the urban area. In the east, the "Ancient City of Langniu Niu", the "Hexi New Town" in the west, the "Famous Hong Cave" in the north, and the "Genzu Xiangfen" in the south.

Although there are no professional bicycle lanes here, in the park, most of the roads can be cycled, and the ride facilities are relatively complete. The 15 public bicycle leasing points in the park can provide 300 bicycles. People can rent a car rental card in advance, which is very convenient.

Riding a bicycle, you can ride along the Fenhe first. Unlike the Fenhe bicycle lanes in other cities, the bicycle lanes are closer to the Fenhe River. When riding, the wind blows across the Fenhe River, ripples, then brushes your skin, and briefly interact with you before leaving. Looking up slightly, you can see the open water surface. In the distance, there is also the same wide opposite shore. There is no high -rise building to block the sight. In this situation, you can throw all your troubles behind you.

Source: Shanxi News Network

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