Takaitai: Another year of wheat ears of wheat ears are 52,400 acres of wheat harvest.

Author:Gaotai County Rong Media Cente Time:2022.06.20

In the midsummer season, the wheat waves rolled, and 52,400 mu of wheat in Gaotai County entered the mature period, and the harvest was as soon as possible.

When the reporter came to Luocheng Town, the golden -yellow wheat fields were seen everywhere, and the wheat waves were undulating, and the wheat incense was drifting. Looking down, the wheat grows well, the particles are full, and the return of the warehouse is just around.

Sun Zhiyi, deputy director of the village committee of Xiazhuangzi Village, Luocheng Town: "This year we planted more than 270 acres of wheat in Xiazhuangzi Village, an increase of more than 100 acres. ","

Recently, the county agricultural technology center focused on issuing pesticide materials for the township agricultural comprehensive service centers, and conducted on -site medicine training training to comprehensively start the "one spray and three defense" operation of wheat. It is understood that "one spray and three defenses" is a key technique for promoting the stable and increasing production of wheat. The purpose of preventing hot air and preventing premature aging finally increased the weight of wheat.

Li Long, director of the county agricultural technology center: "In order to do a good job of wheat production, the Provincial Agricultural and Rural Hall has issued the funds of wheat 'one spray and three defense'. In order to use the funds, we concentrated on the purchase of hyamol, pentolol, and pentazole, and Potassium dihydrogen phosphate, free of charge for farmers' use. "

Since the beginning of this year, Gaotai County has thoroughly implemented the strategy of "hiding grain in land, hiding grain in technology", and continuously carried out special rectification of "non -agricultural chemical" and "non -grain" of cultivated land, and optimized the "non -grainization" and agricultural structure adjustment of cultivated land. Vigorously promote the good breeding and good laws, improve the efficiency of land use, and achieve the "three non -decrease" of cultivated land area, sowing area, and grain output. At the same time, actively organize agricultural technicians to go deep into the fields, carry out technical tracking services and policy guidance support, comprehensively implement the assessment of the grain safety responsibility system, and ensure that agricultural production is stable and increased, and farmers increase their income steadily.

(Reporter: Lei Jingtao Zhang Huzhong Zhenzhen)

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