Enter the Republic Village 丨 "Lonely Village in the Water" to implement the water cable rescue

Author:Chuanguan News Time:2022.09.06

Chuanguan News

"September 5" Sichuan Luding 6.8 earthquake caused five villagers in the Republic of Fox Town to be injured. At that time, traffic was blocked and the injured needle was needed. Due to the severe danger of the mountains along the way, the five wounded members could not send out the first time to send out the first time Essence At 7 am on September 6, the rescuers who went to the Republic of the Republic of the Republic to assemble from the headquarters of the headquarters. At the same time, in order to prepare for the rescue of both hands, at 7 o'clock, the rescue helicopter from Jiajiang County also arrived at Luding County for standing.

After the rescue workers arrived, they immediately surveyed the location of a beast on the spot. According to Zhao Feng, the person in charge of the rescue site, the Republic Village does not have the landing conditions of helicopters. At present, there are only the only life passage of life -the water on the water. At present, it is still open to the rescue channel. As of the press release, the rescue is still ongoing.

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