When guarding his home, he took responsibility on the "epidemic" line

Author:Shanghai Yangpu Time:2022.06.20

"I solemnly apply to the party organization, volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, accept the leadership of the party organization, strictly ask myself, please test me!"

During the previous community sealing management period, Xu Xinchun, an outstanding volunteer Xu Xinchun, 2005, Huangxing Road, Huangxing Road, Pentai Street, submitted an application for admission to the party to the party organization. In the epidemic prevention work, he took responsibility and responsibility with his actual actions.

Determine at the critical moment

From April 1st, Huangxing Road 2005 Lane Yangpu Building spontaneously gathered a community volunteer pioneer team composed of party members to ensure the daily life of nearly 300 residents in the community and nucleic acid screening and antigen testing. Although not a member of the party, after hearing the volunteer "assembly number", Xu Junchun took the initiative to ask for the advantages of manpower and technology, and actively took the initiative to undertake the heavy responsibility of epidemic prevention work in the community.

Preparations before nucleic acid screening, maintenance of the order of nucleic acid screening site, the transfer of residential materials, and the residential situation in the building ... Volunteer service work is trivial and complicated, but the comrades have not shrunk at all. They take the initiative, from the formulation of residents' conventions, refining nucleic acid sampling processes, guaranteeing the group purchase and distribution arrangements of materials, to the owner's emotional guidance, the care operation of special families And responsibility. During the period, Xu Xinchun fought side by side with the party members, and he looked in his eyes, and was deeply moved and encouraged.

Keeping the criminals at the moment

In early April, positive cases appeared in the community. Xu Xinchun did not hesitate. He put on Dabai and rushed at the forefront, sending medicines, supplies, coordinating transportation, etc. to the patient's family.

However, in mid -April, Xu Xinchun was unfortunately "recruited" and was transferred to the isolation point. Seeing that many of the patients at the same level are elderly and children, Xu Xinchun quickly gathered a "quarantine point volunteer team" to help medical staff take care of the patients.

Most of the teams are party members. Xu Xinchun fights with them, coordinating the "classroom" that can go online for students; help the elderly who are unwell to apply for related drugs; chat with people who are not suitable for the isolation point, reduce them Anxiety; participating in daily material transportation, three meals distribution, maintenance of nucleic acid sampling order, registration of the cabin, etc. ... Soon many isolation points of people's anxiety are eased, and the name "Brother Xu" has also been named many people. Knowing.

Many patients will be grateful to the watches of volunteers before they return home when they return home, and Xu Chunchun's work has been unanimously affirmed by the isolated point medical staff. "Certificate. Looking back at this time, Xu Xinchun said that he was moved by the spirit of dedication, not afraid of suffering, and not afraid of tiredness by party members around him.

The responsibility of guarding the homeland

After Xu Xinchun recovered, he returned to his community. At that time, he was at a critical moment when he was resisting the work. Xu Xinchun stood up again, so that the neighborhood committees arranged nucleic acid testing, distributed assistance materials, corridors to disinfect, as small as daily cleaning, sending and sending express delivery, distributing medicines for the sick people, etc., he could see his busy figure.

At the same time, he and the party member team innovated the "3D three -dimensional" community epidemic management model. Different responsibilities have made the in -law prevention work more and more efficient.

At the end of April, Xu Xinchun submitted an application for joining the party to the Party Branch of the Party Branch of the North Tea Garden residential area of ​​Wujiaochang Street, Yangpu District. Under the tutoring, I took the initiative to participate in the anti -epidemic support team.

Text/Picture: Wu Jie

Edit: Wu Baixin

*Reprinted, please indicate the official WeChat from Shanghai Yangpu

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