Yang Maolin Family: It is rumored that the tutoring tree is enthusiastic and dedicated to the neighbor

Author:Langfang Daily Full Media Time:2022.09.06

Yang Maolin is the deputy director of the dental department of the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital. He has an ordinary and happy family. The family respects each other and helps others.

"Grandpa is a recognized enthusiastic in the village. Whoever can do everything can help." Yang Maolin said, "My father inherited Grandpa's hard work, kindness, and honest quality, and kept telling me to study hard and do things."

Yang Maolin's mother is a model of diligence and frugality. "When I was young, the clothes worn by the family were hand -made by my mother. The mother worked in the ground during the day and made the sole at home at night." Yang Maolin said, "Parents always educate me, do not be more than dressing, more than eating, drinking, and than more than eating, drinking and drinking. Spending money is better than the ability, better, and healthy, and develop a good habit of diligence and frugality. "

Yang Maolin's wife is a kindergarten teacher and has been rated as an excellent teacher for many years. In life, the couple take care of each other and deal with the family affairs, and insist on communicating and negotiation; when they cook the family trivial matters, they discuss and obtain consensus.

The quality of hard work and kindness of the family has a great impact on Yang Maolin. He is happy in life and work hard at work.

There are many children and many elderly people in Yang Maolin. He often helps full -time mothers to register and buy medicine, buy food for the elderly who are inconvenient to travel, and also popularize some health knowledge to neighbor friends. Once, Yang Maolin met an elderly man in the same cerebral healing in the same village to buy medicine in the city. Because the old man was inconvenient, Yang Maolin took a taxi to accompany him to the pharmacy, and after buying the medicine, he sent him to the bus back to the village. "Although my own affairs are delayed, I can be safe when I can get home safely." Yang Maolin said.

At work, Yang Maolin is not afraid of suffering or tired. Everything is centered on patients. Due to outstanding work, Yang Maolin has been rated as "Advanced Individual in Langfang City Maternal and Child Health Center", "Most Beautiful Volunteers in Langfang City" and "Most Beautiful Doctors in Langfang City". At the same time, Yang Maolin's family style story was rated as "2018 Langfang City Excellent Family Story Story", his family was rated as "Langfang Health Family in 2018", and in 2021, he was rated as "Langfang Civilized Family".

"Be honest, be kind, do things, do things, and diligence and frugality, which is the family style of our family." Yang Maolin said. (Reporter Zhang Taiyuan editor Zhang Hongxu)

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