Heavy!The first batch of "Park City Demonstration Zone Construction Opportunity List" was officially released

Author:Published by Chengdu Time:2022.06.20

1070 supply and demand information

Investment estimates 580 billion yuan!


The first batch of "Park City Demonstration Zone Construction Opportunity List"

Official release

"The people's city is built, and the people's city is the people." The construction of the park urban demonstration zone will always adhere to the people -centered development idea, adopt the form of rolling release of the "full construction opportunity list+series of special planning and construction opportunities list", and implement the tasks of the "General Plan" and "Action Plan".

The "List of Opportunities for the Construction of the Park City Demonstration Zone (the first batch)" released this time focuses on the construction of urban practice of green mountains and green mountains. The four major areas of production and governance have released project construction and operation, enterprise (project) recruitment, industrial collaboration supporting, product (service) procurement, solution collection, planning and design compilation, joint technical research, event planning, talent and financing needs, etc. A total of 1070 supply and demand information of the top ten categories, an estimated investment of 580 billion yuan.

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"Park cities under the snow mountain, happy Chengdu in fireworks"

It is our common happiness home

Take the opportunity list as the media

Sharing urban development opportunities

Create a happy and beautiful life together

Construction Park City Demonstration Zone

Opportunity Chengdu

Waiting for you!

- END -

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