Yancheng: Emperor the brand of the world, brighten the "Crown Pearl"

Author:Xinhua Daily Time:2022.06.20

On June 18th, the Yancheng Culture and Tourism Industry Development Conference was held. In order to improve the level of intensive, quality, and internationalization of the development of the cultural tourism industry, Yancheng has bravely developed high -quality development in coastal areas.

"You can travel around the wetland capital, and Yancheng is full of green mountains and green mountains; the beauty of achievement cooperation, Yancheng is everywhere in Jinshan Yinshan." Xu Yan, secretary of the Yancheng Municipal Party Committee, said that the cultural tourism industry is an important force to stabilize the economic market. Yancheng will be " Salt "unique endowment," salt "tasteful cultural tourism products, and" salt "affectionate quality services, promote the high -quality development of the cultural tourism industry.

Cultural tourism integration,

"World -class" business card release brand effect

With 582 kilometers of coastal lines, 6.83 million acres of coastal beaches, more than 4,550 square kilometers of Yellow Sea Wetland, inhabits nearly 1,200 kinds of animals, dancing, elk 呦 呦 呦, extremely critical species of spoonful inhabiting ... "The Three Treasures of the Yellow Sea Wetland", Interpret the infinite vitality of Yancheng. Huanghai Wetland is the only natural heritage of the wetland world in China and is known as the "Pearl on the Crown". On June 8th, the official website of the RAMSAR Wetland Convention released the second batch of international wetland cities. A total of 25 international wetland cities in the world were certified. Yancheng was successfully selected, and another world -class business card was added.

It is deeply cared for natural tourism. Cultural tourism has always been a carefully cared and focusing on Yancheng. Every year, 40 million tourists at home and abroad come to Yancheng. In 2021, the value -added of Yancheng's cultural industry was 27.82 billion yuan, an increase of 15.4%year -on -year, accounting for 4.2%of GDP; the number of tourists received by key tourist attractions was 26.72 million, an increase of 11.1%year -on -year. This year's Dragon Boat Festival holiday, Yancheng's city's key scenic spot received 676,800 tourists, and realized the comprehensive income of the scenic spot of 43.4623 million yuan.

Bar Mud Scenic Area, Chinese Elk Garden, Danding Crane Wetland, Chuanxiang River Cultural Landscape Belt and other high -quality tourism products are well -known. The project was selected as the first batch of provincial unique space -level non -heritage -entry -entry demonstration projects ... It can be said that in recent years, Yancheng Cultural Tourism has developed strong development momentum, and gradually forms "Yancheng characteristics".

Express the logo,

Transform ecological resources into development advantages

"Beautiful ecology, strong cultural heritage, rich tourism resources, sea salt culture, red culture, wetland culture, and marine culture complement each other. Cai Ping, a first -level inspector of the Ministry of Industry Development, believes that Yancheng should give full play to the unique advantages of local cultural resources, enhance brand effects such as natural heritage land and international wetland cities, and strive to explore a high -quality development of cultural industries and tourism industries with Yancheng characteristics the road.

How to transform Yancheng's ecological resources into a development advantage? Xu Ning, deputy minister of the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department, suggested that it is necessary to grasp major development strategies such as the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta region, the construction of the Yangtze River National Cultural Park, and the development of the coastal economic belt to continuously play the leading role of the cultural industry; give full play to China (China Huang (China (China (China (China (China (China (China (China (to give full play to China (China (China Bo) Natural resource endowments such as sea migratory bird habitats, Dafeng Elk Reserve, Yellow Seaside National Forest Park, strip mud wetland and other natural resources, actively build a coastal characteristic cultural system and industrial cluster; focus on the digital strategic opportunities of cultural industry, promote the accelerated transformation of the cultural industry Upgrade; coordinate and optimize the layout of coastal characteristic space, create a world -class coastal ecological tourism destination, and accelerate the formation of a new pattern of serving the integrated economic and social development of urban and rural areas.

"Yancheng has the longest coastline in Jiangsu Province, the largest beach area, and the most wetland resources. It has the" World Natural Heritage '"International Wetland City" world -class business card. Role. "Yang Zhichun, secretary of the party group and director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, believes that Yancheng needs to further focus on innovation leadership, energy level improvement, layout optimization, characteristics of characteristics, and highlight the value of the cultural tourism industry. , Yellow Sea Forest, Crane Dance Lu Ming, Beach Tu Danqing and other unique signs.

"The landscape of nature is not only the cultural power of Yancheng, but also to promote the coordinated development of the economy and society, and it is worth deeply tap the value." Shan Xiangxiang, the president of the Chinese Cultural Relics Society and the director of the Academic Committee of the Palace Museum The strength of the world's legacy brand is full of stamina. While allowing tourists to enter Yancheng, the key to "take home" of Yancheng's natural and cultural heritage resources is to focus on "creative" cultural and creative products, such as developing digital technology and creativity, and digitalizing the vitality of cultural tourism innovation.

Strengthening characteristics,

Build a cultural tourism "one corridor, one nuclear, three districts, four zones and four zones"

Based on the development of cultural tourism integration, Yancheng accelerates the deep integration of cultural tourism and other fields. In the opinion of Shen Bo, chairman and CEO of Dinosaur Park Cultural Tourism Group Co., Ltd., "24 hours, 12 months, and 80 years old, these three numbers are the underlying framework of cultural tourism products." Specifically,, specifically, First of all, it is necessary to provide 24 hours of all -weather services to allow tourists to travel in the scenic area during the day to meet their shopping and catering needs. You can watch performance and experience characteristic accommodation at night; Thinking about how to match the festival before the arrival of the festivals; the age of 80 means that there must be a sense of all ages, so that young people, elderly, backpackers, family travel and other groups must be thoughtful and thoughtful. During the Yancheng Cultural and Tourism Industry Development Conference, Ctrip Group, the largest tourism online e -commerce platform in China, signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Yancheng to jointly build a model cities for domestic leisure and vacation tourism destinations.

"With the goal of creating a global tourism demonstration zone, Yancheng will focus on strengthening the characteristics. Taking 19 tourism parks as a carrier to accelerate the construction of a global development pattern of the" one corridor, one nuclear, three zones, four zones, " Explain that the "one corridor" is to build a world -class coastal ecological tourism corridor, integrate the construction of the world's cultural, World heritage symbols, and World heritage stories into the element system. Parks, Yangtze River Delta's recreational bases and other resources, launch special tourism products such as bird watching, catching the sea, and health care, and build an open -ended world relic consumption space of "one -line, multiple points, one more branches"; , Tinghuwen Travel Collection, Shopping, Experience, Accommodation and other industrial chain functions, accelerate the development of cultural and creative and digital economy in the city development zone and Yannan High -tech Zone, and continuously strengthen the status of the core area of ​​the city; The integration of Dafeng Cultural Tourism, the inheritance of the cultural inheritance of the lake and shooting, and the construction of the three areas of the sea, Funing, and Xiangshui culture manufacturing; The construction of a lake and innovation zone "" Northern Yellow River Old Road Rural Tourism Belt "and the" New Four Army Red Cultural Inheritance Belt ".

(Reporter Zhu Jie)

Review: Pan Ruikai

Editor in charge: Xu Luping

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