The highest temperature in Jiangsu on this day, why is the encryption station measured 42 ° C and 39.1 ° C is measured in the basic station?

Author:Intersection Time:2022.06.20

Meeting Point News Yesterday (June 18), Jiangsu Meteorological Observatory released an important weather report: The maximum temperature of 42 ° C in the province was determined by the encryption station to appear in Xuzhou City on the 17th, but according to the official Weibo of Jiangsu Meteorological Weibo on the 17th The temperature Langya Bang shows that the province's highest temperature 39.1 ° C in the province also appeared in Xuzhou City. The same is the highest temperature, why is the difference close to 3 ° C? What is the difference between encryption stations and basic stations? Zhang Jing, chief forecaster of Jiangsu Meteorological Observatory, accepted an interview with Xinhua Daily · Jiao Dianjian reporter.

"The encryption stations and basic stations are all ground meteorological observation systems, and the two are different." Zhang Jing said that the encrypted meteorological observation station of the encrypted station finger area mainly carried out precipitation, temperature, and wind direction wind speed observation; Observation stations mainly carry out automated observations of basic weather factors.

Encryption station

According to Zhang Jing, the latest data statistics, Jiangsu has a total of 1816 encryption stations and 71 basic stations. The number of encryption stations is more than basic stations. The update speed is fast and the temperature statistics are more detailed. In addition, the working environment of basic stations and encryption stations is different. The basic stations are laid on the lawn and the encrypted stations are laid on the hard floor, so the measurement temperature is relatively high.

Basic station

In the past three days, Jiangsu is still high temperature. At 16:16 on June 19, the Jiangsu Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a high -temperature orange warning signal: It is expected that in the next 24 hours, the highest temperature in Xuzhou, Suqian, Huai'an and Lianyungang will reach 37 ° C, The highest temperature in the central northern part of Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Yangzhou, and central and northern Taizhou will reach 35 ° C. The Provincial Department of Emergency (Provincial Disaster Speed ​​Office) and the Provincial Meteorological Bureau reminded to take precautions.

Jiangsu entered Meimei last year on June 13, but this year not only did not have the shadow of rain, but the high -temperature warning has been hung for 5 days. Facing the high temperature visited by this "bald" visit, the friends issued a soul question: This year, Meiyu He He He He He He He Yu He this year Come?

Recently, the surrounding provinces have been announced in Mei. The reporter learned that the monitoring of Jiangsu into Meimei has been paying attention. As the Mei Rain belt advances to the north, I believe that this year's "Mei Girl" will also meet with you soon.

[Most areas north of Jiangsu along the river in the next three days are mainly sunny and hot weather, and the highest temperature can reach 35 ° C or more]

From 20:00 on June 19th to 20:00 on June 20th, there were shower or thunderstorms in southern southern southern southern southern southern southern southern southern southern southern southern southern, and local rainfall was medium and cloudy in other areas. The highest temperature: about 37 ° C along Huai and Huaibei, about 32 ° C in the southern Jiangsu area, 34-35 ° C in other regions; minimum temperature: 24 ° C ° C in the northwest of the province, about 22 ° C in other regions. The southeast wind level 4-5 gusts 6.

Xinhua Daily · Jiaojiao Reporter Zhang Xuan

Photography Ding Renhui

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Editor in charge: Li Yuefan