Yongjing County: Implement the four major entrances and exits of the county seat to broaden the transformation project

Author:Linxiazhou Radio and TV Statio Time:2022.06.20

In order to further improve the county's transportation environment and optimize the structure of urban road networks, Yongjing County, Linxia Prefecture actively implemented the extension of the four major entrances and exits of the county, further enhance the city's carrying capacity and service functions, and accelerate the pace of development of county economic and urbanization.

Recently, Yongjing County North Exit (Zanda Road) broaden and transform and transform the transformation and upgrading project of Central Road is undergoing road bases to consolidate operations, building on -site mechanical roar, engineering vehicles traveling through, and workers are in an orderly manner for rain wells and strong electric wells. The laid operation of the pallings and sewage pipelines is busy and orderly at the construction site. The total investment of the renovation project of Yongjing County (Zanda Road) has a total investment of 43.87 million yuan. It is planned to build a new road length of 1,440 meters, the width of the road is 38 meters, and the two -way 6 -lane is set. Complete completion. After the project is completed, it will further improve the traffic environment in the north of the county and the overall image of the city.

At the construction site of the second phase extension project of Huancheng South Road (Zanda Highway), Yongjing County, the workers are undergoing the construction of the external corruption layer of the flood box culvert, the earthwork backfill of the groove, and the flat pavement. It is understood that the project invested 85.7562 million yuan and plans to build a road of 1.37 kilometers. After the project is completed, it will further accelerate the development and construction and urbanization process of Yongjing County, play an important role in pulling the city's framework and expanding the scale of the city.

Zhang Yonggang, the person in charge of the extension of the extension of the extension and transformation project of Yongjing County (Zanda Highway), introduced: "The extension of the extension of the extension of the extension of the extension of the Huancheng South Road, Yongjing County, the construction of the project in mid -May. Daily is completed and opened to traffic. During the construction period, the construction unit organizes all construction machinery and personnel to work overtime to use all available resources to rush the construction period to ensure that the traffic is delivered on time. During the construction process, we strictly follow the design and standard requirements to ensure the quality and safety of construction. "

The implementation of the four major entrances and exit projects of Yongjing County County is an important measure to continuously optimize the structure of urban road networks. It will definitely enhance the structure of the county road network and road traffic environment, relieve the traffic pressure in and out of the county, improve the urban function, improve citizens' traffic travel Conditions to improve the sense of gain and satisfaction of the people.

Li Yongqiang, the person in charge of the extension of the extension and transformation project of Yongjing County Huancheng South Road (Zanda Highway), said: "In 2021, Yongjing County has implemented four major exports to improve the transformation project, and it has been completed and put into use at the end of the year. The implementation of the project relieves the implementation of the project. The traffic pressure in the county seat facilitates the travel of tourists and the surrounding people. On this basis, this year we continue to implement the widening and transformation project of the four major export extensions. After completion and put it into use. "

Reporter: Kong Weiwei Yan Wenbo

Policy: Jiao Shiyun Wang Xia

Edit: Wang Ke Wang Wenjuan

Responsible editor: Wang Weixiao Editor: Kong Lingding

Produced: Director Ji Ping: Chen Keyi

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