Jingzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital held a mobilization meeting of the 23rd party style and clean government construction, propaganda education and education monthly activities

Author:Jingzhou Daily Time:2022.09.05

In order to further promote the construction of the hospital's party style and clean government and the construction style of the industry, improve the awareness of the integrity of party members, cadres, and staff, and to create a medical environment of cleanliness and integrity and self -discipline. On the afternoon of August 25, Jingzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital held the 23rd The party style and clean government construction promotion and education monthly mobilization meeting will be arranged and deployed.

The meeting emphasized that the whole hospital should take the opportunity to carry out in -depth missionary monthly activities, vigorously promote the cleanliness of the cleanliness, and the strong discipline guarantee for the high -quality development of the hospital.

In recent years, the hospital has been guided by the party building to promote the high -quality development of the hospital, and has integrated the construction of the party's work style and clean government and the construction of a clean and honest hospital. The good situation of medical Fengqing and people's hearts ". The hospital building of the hospital construction clean government has been identified as the first batch of "shared positions in the party building" in Jingzhou City. Its clean and honest hospital construction experience exchanged speeches at the city's health and health system party building, party style and integrity and clean government construction work video conference, and received provincial provinces. The "Clean Hubei" construction research and supervision team fully affirmed.

Make good use of the "Four Integrity" prescriptions to build a clean hospital defense line

At the mobilization meeting, Wang Shunhua, the secretary of the party committee of the hospital, used the theme of "using the" Four Integrity "prescriptions to protect the rights and interests of patients, and taught all party members and cadres to teach the party lessons and cadres.

Wang Shunhua from "Strengthening the party building and promoting integrity, making good use of the" ideological prescription '"," strengthening rectification and promoting integrity, using the "action prescription'", "strengthening education to promote integrity, using the" cultural prescription '"," strengthen supervision to promote integrity, use good' to make good use '' In the four aspects of the system prescription '", the hospital has comprehensively summarized the work of the hospital in creating a working atmosphere, grasping" special actions ", creating cultural positions, and establishing a long -term mechanism.

Mei Jingsong, the dean of the hospital, interpreted the activity plan in detail. Hospital's party style and clean government construction mission month activities cover the "use of cases" warning education, "diligence and integrity", typical propaganda, "discipline and law preaching", the same question, "clean Jingzhou" creation and guidance, "integrity youth" special education , "Family Aid" special operations, including 6 major aspects, 18 specific contents.

For a long time, the Party Committee of the Hospital has always resolutely carried the main responsibility of the party style and clean government, and the work of party style and clean government has achieved remarkable results. It has promoted the formation of a good situation of "integrity, medical style, and people's hearts" in the whole hospital. Provide a strong motivation for integrity.

At the meeting, all party members and cadres watched the warning education film "Surprising", and used typical cases of disciplinary violations around them to educate the majority of party members and cadres to talk about politics, and the value concept of integrity and self -discipline. Consciously; reject corruption, strengthen the role of leading cadres to demonstrate the role of cleanliness; grasp the implementation, promote the transformation of the effectiveness of the construction of clean and honest hospitals, adhere to positive innovation, take the initiative to act, and promote the in -depth development of party style and clean government.

Strengthen the training of party affairs knowledge to build a combat fortress

In order to further improve the level of standardization and standardization and standardization of grass -roots party organizations and improve the ability of grassroots party members and cadres to perform their duties. Work training, more than 70 secretary, branch member, branch member, and hospital party workers from 17 party branches in the hospital participated in the training.

Training follows four aspects of interpretation of the "Regulations on the Work of the Chinese Communist Party Branch (Trial)", "Regulations on the Election Work of the Communist Party of China", the high standards to do a good job of party members' development, and do a good job of party fees and management. Party lesson.

Through this training, the party members and cadres of the entire hospital have recognized the new situation of party building in the party's strict party building, further corrected the work attitude and improved the ability of party affairs.

The Party Committee of the Hospital requires that party workers must further strengthen their ideals and convictions, keep the defense line of refusing corruption and defense, establish and practice the correct concept of political achievements, adhere to the basic line of the party, focus on development and construction, master multiple skills, courage to be courageous Responsible, dare to fight, and truly be a qualified new era medical front party worker.

According to the "Chinese Communist Party Constitution" and "Regulations on the Election Work of the Communist Party of China", and the opinions and implementation plans of the Chinese provinces and cities on strengthening the party building work of public hospitals, in mid -August, the hospital completed the election of party branches. In accordance with the relevant regulations, the hospital was changed from the original 3 party branches and 12 party branches to 5 party branches and 17 party branches.

The meeting requested that the party members and cadres of the whole hospital must deeply understand the important exposition of "comprehensively and strictly governing the party on the road and the party's self -revolution forever", deepen the expansion of the construction of clean and honest hospitals, continuously improve medical services, and effectively maintain the health of the people. Contributing the power of traditional Chinese medicine for Jingzhou to accelerate the construction of the high -quality development demonstration zone of the Jianghan Plain, and welcomes the 20th National Congress of the Party with excellent results.

Author: Liu Jie Gong Tianzuo Wang Zhenhua Zhang Translation Source: Jing Cai News

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