Please forward!Don't leave the case due to the immune -related behavior, affect yourself and your family!

Author:Yanzhou Rong Media Time:2022.09.04

At present, a new round of epidemic is affected in many places

And still spread further


The majority of residents are requested to consciously abide by epidemic prevention regulations

Do not leave the bottom of the case due to the immune -related behavior

Affect yourself, family and children

1. People who are included in the scope of nucleic acid detection, what are the consequences of not participating in a unified tissue nucleic acid detection for no reason?

Violation of the legal obligations stipulated in Article 12 of the Infectious Disease Prevention Law. This is a decision and order issued by the People's Government in accordance with the law under the circumstances of the people's government. It is an act of obstructing social management. According to the provisions of Article 50 of the "Public Security Management Penalty Law", in accordance with different circumstances, it can be warned and warned. Punishment of public security management such as fines and detention; violation of the provisions of the prevention and control of infectious diseases, and refusing to implement the prevention and control measures proposed by the health and epidemic prevention institutions in accordance with the infectious disease prevention and control law, which causes the transmission of the new crown virus or is seriously dangerous, according to the "Criminal Law" No. 1 Article 330 crimes and punishment for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

2. Entering communities, supermarkets, vegetable farms and other relevant places, refuse to cooperate with health information verification, and refuse to cooperate with the identity registration regulations. What kind of legal liability will be taken?

This is a decision and order issued by the People's Government in accordance with the law under the circumstances of the people's government. It is an act of obstructing social management. ; If the circumstances are serious, detaining for more than five days and less than ten days, it can be fined below 500 yuan. If the transmission of a new type of coronary virus or is seriously dangerous, the crime and punishment of the crime of preventing and controlling the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases shall be accused according to Article 330 of the Criminal Law.

3. Will you bear legal responsibility if you don't wear a mask when you go out?

Residents take public transportation, entering and exiting the gate of the community, and refuse to cooperate with the persuasion of managers to wear masks; or, residents in high -risk areas are out of the high -risk area to refuse to cooperate with the persuasion of managers and not wear masks, and first bear civil liability. In accordance with Article 77 of the Infectious Disease Prevention Law, if the unit and individual violate the provisions of this Law, which leads to the spread and popularity of infectious diseases, and cause damage to the human body and property, it shall bear civil liability in accordance with the law.

Secondly, take administrative responsibility. This is a decision and order issued by the People's Government in accordance with the law under the circumstances of the people's government. It is an act of obstructing social management. ; If the circumstances are serious, detaining for more than five days and less than ten days, it can be fined below 500 yuan.

Finally, if you violate the provisions of the Prevention and Control Law, if you refuse to implement the prevention and control measures proposed by the health and epidemic prevention institutions in accordance with the infectious disease prevention and control law, if the transmission of the new crown virus or is seriously dangerous Crime and punishment for infectious disease prevention and treatment. The imprisonment or detention of less than three years; those who have a particularly serious consequences shall be imprisoned for three years and seven years.

4. Residents in the sealing and closed communities violate the regulations of epidemic prevention and go out and gather without permission.

Article 50 of the "Public Security Management Penalty Law" will be punished or fines below 200 yuan; if the circumstances are serious, they will be detained for more than 5 days and less than 10 days. Those who cause the new type of coronary virus to spread or have serious dissemination may be suspected of Article 330 of the Criminal Law, which constitutes the crime of obstructing the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. There is a period of imprisonment for the year; the diagnosis of patients, pathogens, concealing the condition, concealing the itinerary information, entering public places or taking public transportation, which causes the spread of new coronary viruses, may be suspected of Article 1004, No. 1 14, and No. 1 of the Criminal Law. Article 115 constitutes a crime of harming public safety by dangerous methods.

5. Persons with a health code for yellow and red code, without observation of medical observation or home health testing in accordance with regulations?

Responsible for administrative responsibility. This is a decision and order issued by the People's Government in accordance with the law under the circumstances of the people's government. It is an act of obstructing social management. ; If the circumstances are serious, detaining for more than five days and less than ten days, it can be fined below 500 yuan.

Take criminal responsibility. In violation of the provisions of the prevention and control of the infectious diseases, if the rejection of the prevention and control measures proposed by the health and epidemic prevention institutions in accordance with the infectious disease prevention and control law, if the new crown virus transmission or is seriously dangerous, according to Article 330 of the Criminal Law to obstruct the infectious disease disease Crime and punishment for prevention and treatment. The imprisonment or detention of less than three years; those who have a particularly serious consequences shall be imprisoned for three years and seven years.

6. During the prevention and control of the epidemic, what responsibilities should residents take out to participate in the gathering activities such as playing cards, catering, entertainment, etc. in violation of regulations?

First bear civil liability. In accordance with Article 77 of the Infectious Disease Prevention Law, if the unit and individual violate the provisions of this Law, which leads to the spread and popularity of infectious diseases, and cause damage to the human body and property, it shall bear civil liability in accordance with the law.

Secondly, take administrative responsibility. This is a decision and order issued by the People's Government in accordance with the law under the circumstances of the People's Government. It is an act of impolting social management. ; If the circumstances are serious, detaining for more than five days and less than ten days, it can be fined below 500 yuan.

Finally, if you violate the provisions of the Prevention and Control Law, if you refuse to implement the prevention and control measures proposed by the health and epidemic prevention institutions in accordance with the infectious disease prevention and control law, if the transmission of the new crown virus or is seriously dangerous Crime and punishment for infectious disease prevention and treatment. The imprisonment or detention of less than three years; those who have a particularly serious consequences shall be imprisoned for three years and seven years. 7. After the centralized isolation is over, what kind of legal liability will be assumed if they do not accept health monitoring and management in accordance with regulations?

Article 50 of the "Public Security Management Penalty Law" will be punished or fines below 200 yuan; if the circumstances are serious, they will be detained for more than 5 days and less than 10 days.

Those who cause the new type of coronary virus to spread or have serious dissemination may be suspected of Article 330 of the Criminal Law, which constitutes the crime of preventing infectious disease prevention.

8. Concealing the condition, concealing the itinerary (especially the history of living in key areas), concealing the history of close contact with confirmed cases or suspected cases?

Article 50 of the "Public Security Management Penalty Law" will be punished or fines below 200 yuan; if the circumstances are serious, they will be detained for more than 5 days and less than 10 days.

Those who cause the new type of coronary virus to spread or have serious dissemination may be suspected of in the relevant provisions of Article 330 of the Criminal Law, which constitutes the crime of obstructing the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases; Places or public transportation, which causes the spread of new coronary viruses, may be suspected of Article 114 and 115 of the Criminal Law, which constitutes a crime of harming public safety by hazardous methods.

9. What responsibilities should residents and enterprises do not cooperate with the disinfection of epidemic prevention and control?

First bear civil liability. In accordance with Article 77 of the Infectious Disease Prevention Law, if the unit and individual violate the provisions of this Law, which leads to the spread and popularity of infectious diseases, and cause damage to the human body and property, it shall bear civil liability in accordance with the law.

Secondly, take administrative responsibility. This is a decision and order issued by the People's Government in accordance with the law under the circumstances of the People's Government. It is an act of impolting social management. ; If the circumstances are serious, detaining for more than five days and less than ten days, it can be fined below 500 yuan.

Finally, if you violate the provisions of the Prevention and Control Law, if you refuse to implement the prevention and control measures proposed by the health and epidemic prevention institutions in accordance with the infectious disease prevention and control law, if the transmission of the new crown virus or is seriously dangerous Crime and punishment for infectious disease prevention and treatment. The imprisonment or detention of less than three years; those who have a particularly serious consequences shall be imprisoned for three years and seven years. If the unit offender the crime, the unit is sentenced to a fine, and the person in charge and other direct responsible persons who are directly responsible for them shall be punished in accordance with the prescribed paragraph of the previous paragraph.

If the violence and threat methods hinder the staff of the staff of state organs (including the personnel engaged in the prevention and control of public duties in the state organs), the epidemic investigation is carried out in accordance with the law, and the crime and punishment of the crime of obstructing official duties will be obtained in accordance with the law.

10. Persons with symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, smell of smell, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis, muscle pain, and diarrhea may not have the consequences of the patient to seek medical treatment in accordance with the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control?

Article 50 of the "Public Security Management Penalty Law" will be punished or fines below 200 yuan; if the circumstances are serious, they will be detained for more than 5 days and less than 10 days. Those who cause the new type of coronary virus to spread or have serious dissemination may be suspected of Article 330 of the Criminal Law, which constitutes the crime of preventing infectious disease prevention.

11. What responsibilities should they bear to refuse to cooperate with the epidemiological survey of epidemic diseases carried out by the disease control and the public security department?

First bear civil liability. In accordance with Article 77 of the Infectious Disease Prevention Law, if the unit and individual violate the provisions of this Law, which leads to the spread and popularity of infectious diseases, and cause damage to the human body and property, it shall bear civil liability in accordance with the law.

Secondly, take administrative responsibility. This is a decision and order issued by the People's Government in accordance with the law under the circumstances of the People's Government. It is an act of impolting social management. ; If the circumstances are serious, detaining for more than five days and less than ten days, it can be fined below 500 yuan.

Finally, if you violate the provisions of the Prevention and Control Law, if you refuse to implement the prevention and control measures proposed by the health and epidemic prevention institutions in accordance with the infectious disease prevention and control law, if the transmission of the new crown virus or is seriously dangerous Crime and punishment for infectious disease prevention and treatment. The imprisonment or detention of less than three years; those who have a particularly serious consequences shall be imprisoned for three years and seven years.

If the violence and threat methods hinder the staff of the staff of state organs (including the personnel engaged in the prevention and control of public duties in the state organs), the epidemic investigation is carried out in accordance with the law, and the crime and punishment of the crime of obstructing official duties will be obtained in accordance with the law.

12. During the epidemic, what kind of legal liability will be assumed for malicious hoarding, raising prices, and making huge profits?

The market supervision and management department is punished by administrative penalties.

13. In violation of the provisions of the epidemic prevention and control, do you want to take legal responsibility to throw masks, protective clothing and other medical protective supplies?

If medical protection supplies such as masks, protective clothing, and protective clothing are waste, toxic substances, or other harmful substances containing infectious diseases, which seriously pollute the environment shall be convicted and punished in accordance with Article 338 of the Criminal Law. Those who deliberately disseminate the new coronary pneumonia's pathogenesis and endanger public safety shall be punished in accordance with Article 114 and 115 of the Criminal Law.

14. Vehicles and personnel who pass the epidemic prevention and control card point, use cards or other methods to refuse to cooperate with or accept the staff to check the cards, should they bear legal responsibility?

Suspected of violating the "Punishment of Public Security Management Penalty", in accordance with Article 50 of the Public Security Management Punishment Law, a warning or fines of less than 200 yuan; if the circumstances are serious, detained for more than five days and less than ten days, and may be paid to 500 to five hundred hundreds of days. Fine below yuan.

15. During the prevention and control of the epidemic, what kind of legal liabilities will be held in the family residence, chess and card files, mahjong rooms, and selling cold heating drugs in violation of regulations?

Article 50 of the "Public Security Management Penalty Law" will be punished or fines below 200 yuan; if the circumstances are serious, they will be detained for more than 5 days and less than 10 days. Penalty.

Those who cause the new type of coronary virus to spread or have serious dissemination may be suspected of Article 330 of the Criminal Law, which constitutes the crime of preventing infectious disease prevention. The imprisonment or detention of less than three years; those who have a particularly serious consequences shall be imprisoned for three years and seven years.

16. During the prevention and control of the new coronary virus infection pneumonia, the staff who are engaged in the prevention and control of infectious disease prevention and control are seriously irresponsible and caused by the spread or popularity of new coronary virus pneumonia?

According to the "Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Law", the responsible supervisors and other direct responsible personnel shall be given administrative sanctions in accordance with the law. If the circumstances are serious and the crime constitutes a crime, criminal liability is investigated in accordance with the law.

17. If the production does not meet the national standards of human health, the medical masks, goggles, and protective clothing such as industry standards, will it be a legal responsibility?

The market supervision and management department shall be administrative punishment. The serious circumstances may be suspected of violating the provisions of Article 145 of the Criminal Law, and will be convicted for medical equipment that does not meet the standards for production and sales, and punishment shall be punished in accordance with the law.

18. During the prevention and control of the epidemic, we will compose false epidemic information and spread in public places such as the Internet, or know that it is false information and help spread and spread. What legal liability will be assumed?

According to Article 65 of the Capital Corporation of the Emergency, it will be ordered to make corrections and give warnings; if serious consequences are caused, business activities will be suspended or revoked in accordance with the law. According to Article 25 of the Public Security Management Penalty Law, detention will be punished by more than five days, and a fine of less than 500 yuan may be paid; if the circumstances are relatively light, they will be detained for less than five days or a fine of less than 500 yuan. If the social order seriously disrupts the social order, the crime and punishment of the crime of fabrication and intentionally disseminating false information shall be made in accordance with Article 291 of the Criminal Law.

19. Forgery nucleic acid testing negative proof, evade normal examination, what legal responsibility will be assumed?

If the counterfeiter is healthy and only holds a fake nucleic acid test report, it may face public security management punishment or other administrative punishments; If the final test proves that it is a diagnosed patient or a pathogen carrier, causing the epidemic dissemination or serious danger of transmission, and harmful public safety, it may be punished by crime of public safety in danger.

20. During the epidemic, what principles do the administrative organs take the punishment of violating emergencies' response measures?

Article 49 of the "Administrative Penalty Law" stipulates that emergencies such as major infectious diseases and epidemic conditions occur. In order to control, reduce and eliminate social harm caused by emergencies, the administrative organs' acts of violating emergencies should be From heavy punishment.

(Source: Jining News Network)

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