Act 100 -day action | A number of property companies were punished. It turned out to be because of this incident

Author:Qinghai Pu Law Time:2022.09.03

Recently, in accordance with the "Hundred Days Action" work deployment, the Jiangxi Network Security Department gives full play to the supervision and management of law enforcement functions of the online security department, and the supervision and inspection of many intelligent security communities in the jurisdiction. From 16 illegal cases, there are 268 issues of hidden dangers and management of various types of network security technology.

The following is a representative case:

Case number one

On August 3, 2022, the network security brigade of the Dongxiang District Public Security Bureau of Fuzhou, Jiangxi found that a property company in the area under the jurisdiction collected a large number of owners' face data and other personal information, and in the process of providing face recognition services The management system and operating procedures, no classification management of personal information, no technical prevention measures such as encryption and de -identification and information systems have serious problems such as multiple high -risk technical vulnerabilities. The personal information of the owners has a great risk of leakage.

In accordance with Article 51 and 66 of the Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, the Dongxiang District Public Security Bureau shall be punished by the property company in accordance with the law and ordered the rectification within a time limit.

Case 2

On July 20, 2022, the Net Security Brigade of Chongren County Public Security Bureau of Fuzhou, Jiangxi, conducted a network security law enforcement inspection on a community property company in Bashan Town.

After inspection, the property company did not formulate a network security internal management system, and the information system that collected the data of the owner's personal data was not responsible, and the emergency plan of the network security incident was not formulated. The relevant staff had never conducted network security professional skills training.

According to the provisions of Article 21 and 59 of the People's Republic of China, the Chongren County Public Security Bureau shall be administrative and punished by the property company in accordance with the law and ordered the rectification within a time limit.

Case II

On July 13, 2022, the Internet Security Brigade of Nanfeng County Public Security Bureau of Fuzhou, Jiangxi, conducted a special inspection of personal information protection for a community property company in the area under its jurisdiction.

The work found that the unit's intelligent security system has a number of hidden dangers of cyber security when collecting the personal information of the owner, including the internal network security management system and operating process that has not been formulated, and the prevention of computer viruses and cyber invasion is not taken as required to take prevention of computer viruses and network attacks, network invasion and other hazards. Technical measures.

According to the provisions of Article 21, 25, and 59 of the Cyber ​​Security Law of the People's Republic of China, the Nanfeng County Public Security Bureau shall punish the property company in accordance with the law and order to rectify within a time limit.


The Jiangxi Network Security Department carried out network security supervision and inspection for community property companies currently widely used for face recognition technology, and timely discovered the existing network security risks, urged property service companies to implement the responsibility of cyber security, investigating and dealing with illegal acts of network security obligations did not perform network security obligations. It plays a good warning.

Personal information is a personal privacy. The personal information that the property needs to be obtained by the property must be properly kept. The information is leaked due to improper storage, and the corresponding legal liability must be assumed.

Source: Network Security Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security

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