The Tibetan people and social systems help anti -epidemic and protect people's livelihood

Author:Tibetan Daily Time:2022.09.02

In the past few days, the human and social system in the region have resolutely responded to the call of the party committee of the district, and took the anti -anti -epidemic situation as an important inspection of the implementation style and the construction of the system of system. Carry out online employment and social security services, and make every effort to ensure the basic lives of people in Tibet during the epidemic.

According to statistics, a total of 1031 sinking cadres and employees in the human and social systems in the region have sent a volunteer work in the front line. 7122 people including the staff of the grass -roots employment service platform, professional skills training schools, and public welfare positions in the region participated in the excellent tradition of the Tibetan people's team to take the overall situation, dare to take the overall situation, and be able to fight hard battles.

During the epidemic, the Tibetan human -social system system helped the market subject to stabilize the job, vigorously implement the policy of slow, return, supplement, and reduce the combination of combination. Yuan, issued 960,000 yuan to 20 companies. At the same time, the Tibetan people and social systems are focusing on employment, making full use of WeChat public accounts such as the Tibet Autonomous Region Public Employment Recruitment Network and the "Tibetan Human Resources Market" and "Tibetan University Graduate Employment" to publish market recruitment information; adopt "online interviews", "first", "first", "first", "first", "first", "first", "first", "first", "first" "first interview", "first interview", "first After the job, the exam "" group -style "employment and other methods will continue to expand the employment scale outside the area; further understand the employment and living conditions of urban difficulties through telephone, network and other methods, and organize 3 job fairs for people in urban difficulties. Provide 1249 jobs.

It is reported that the epidemic period coincides with the key period of basic pension insurance for employees in the region, basic pension insurance for urban and rural residents, and pension insurance benefits of institutions and institutions. The Social Security Bureau of the Autonomous Region generates pension data through the "cloud platform" of social security, completes checking on "online", simplifies the pension distribution process, ensures that retirees receive pensions in full and full on time, and ensure the basic lives of the masses. In response to the emergency business that cannot be processed offline during the epidemic, the Tibetan human -social system adheres to the online handling, arranges specialized information technicians for 24 hours to ensure the smooth operation of all information platforms, promote social security participation registration, declaration and payment, relationship transfer continuity, etc. The business fully realizes online declaration and mobile payment.

At the same time, in accordance with the "Notice of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Finance on Establishing Temporary Work Subsidies for Establishment of infectious Diseases Prevention and Prevention Persons' Subsidies", the human and social departments at all levels of Tibet actively implemented the policy subsidies of medical care and epidemic prevention and control staff. , Infectious anti -epidemic medical staff and related staff infected with new crown pneumonia or were immediately identified by other work injuries, implemented relevant treatment in time, and effectively strengthened their care and care for front -line personnel.

It is understood that the Tibetan people's social system has strictly monitored various risks such as large -scale unemployment, social security benefits, corporate employment, and labor relations that may be affected by the epidemic. Concentrated investigation and rectification of wage arrears in each city. In addition, the Tibetan human -social system also explained a clear explanation of the labor relationship during the epidemic, requiring patients, asymptomatic infections, and close contact with new crown pneumonia patients who implement isolation treatment or medical observation. Those who cannot work normally, companies must not terminate labor contracts.

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