Zhangzhou: Red "platform" allows small and medium -sized enterprises to take the "cloud" up

Author:Fujian Rule of Law News Agency Time:2022.09.02

"Unexpectedly, we can get financial loans in such a short time! In the future, our enterprise has difficulties and directly find the" Party Enterprise New Time and Space, Government and Enterprise Direct Train "platform!" Said Fu Lifen, the person in charge of the Golden Crown (Longhai) Plastic Packaging Co., Ltd. Essence

Since July last year, the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Party Committee, the General Office of the Provincial Government, and the Provincial Government Office, and the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology jointly created a platform for "New Time and Space of the Party Enterprise · Government and Enterprise". Among them, Zhangzhou's "New Time and Space of the Party Enterprise · Government and Enterprise Direct Train" is used as a municipal platform to build a fast passage of Zhangzhou SMEs and the government directly to provide small and medium -sized enterprises with full -time, comprehensive and multi -level services. In the growth of enterprises, economic growth is stimulated and the toughness of the industry. Since the opening of the platform, a total of 1,286 letters have been accepted, with a settlement rate of 100%, and the number of letters is at the forefront of the province.

Enterprise "order order" cadre assistance service

A few days ago, Yao Xiaoming, the party building instructor of the party branch of the Nanjing County Division and the party branch of Zhangzhou Min Airlines Special Steel Co., Ltd., when visiting the company, I learned that the company has difficulties in recruiting workers, difficulties in technical talents, and difficulty in operating. Since May, the enterprise has been affected by sluggish market demand and rising raw material costs. The phenomenon of "inverted" price "inverted" in Minhang Fafa's special steel -the more production, the more losses, and the company has stopped production.

"The hook helping the company cannot shout 'refueling', and get the medicine!" After the understanding of many parties, Yao Xiaoming immediately organized relevant departments to conduct on -site office and coordinator to help the enterprise recruit more than 50 employees in time and promote the re -work rate of 100 to 100 %. At the same time, the difficulty of enterprise production and operation to the county party committee and county government, promoted the introduction of the "Nanjing County Supporting Industry Development Reward Measures", and communicated and coordinated enterprises for production and sales separation, promoting the cumulative sales of trade enterprises for a total of 178 million yuan, allowing Min Airlines Special steel successfully got rid of the predicament.

In recent years, the Organization Department of the Zhangzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Party Committee of the Municipal Party Committee Innovation Selected 325 party members and leading cadres also served as 366 non -public enterprise party building work instructors to guide business owners (investors) to attach importance to and support non -public enterprise party building work, promote enterprises 738 problems such as tensions, insufficient funds, and shortage of materials.

"In the past, Zhangzhou's" Thousands of Cadres hanging thousands of enterprises' assistance activities were mainly held offline. Today, we innovate on the platform to open the "Thousands of Cadres Hanging Thousands of Enterprises" section. You can also take the initiative to find companies to solve problems through the platform. "The relevant person in charge of the Zhangzhou Industry and Information Bureau said that online and offline, interacting at the same time, promoting the" car "to enter the enterprise service.

Changtai Lida Xin Group enjoyed the dividend of this approach. In February this year, Lidaxin's operation headquarters moved back to Changtai from Xiamen to adopt the working model of "Factory Office One" to improve the efficiency of office production. For Changtai, the movement of the operation headquarters did not simply change the office location, but the leading enterprise drove the strong chain to gather the development of upstream and downstream, left and right chain industries, and form a full -industry chain layout.

Party building strong enterprise docking activities

"The relocation of the headquarters seems to be working on the ground, and the actual cumbersome issues involved in land acquisition, approval, and supporting facilities." Chen Chunju, the party secretary of the Party Branch and senior foreign counterpart of Lixin Group, told reporters Relevant departments help complete the relocation of 108 acres of 28 households with 7 working days, and complete the procedures for the planning and construction permits of the project and the relevant acceptance of the dormitory building to ensure that the enterprise is put into use at the prescribed time node.

At the same time, the platform also assisted enterprises to plan and build a large parking lot with 520 parking spaces. It specially opened night buses on Wanting Food Street to solve the problem of employees' difficulties. The service issues such as talent identification, talent apartments, and children's schooling also landed, which promoted 1,400 Xiamen Lidaxin various types of talents to move back to Changtai.

Platform matchmaking response to demand solve problems

How to make the party be visible and touched in the enterprise?

Zhangzhou's answer is to create a new path for the development of the service development of enterprise -related departments, analyze the big data of "New Time and Space of the Party Enterprise · Government and Enterprises Direct Train". Based on the common needs of the enterprise, a policy docking meeting is held to provide policy services to the enterprise face to face.

On June 27th, after the "New Time and Space of the Party Enterprise, the New Time and Space" platform, the taxation policy video docking meeting, the Zhangzhou Municipal Party Committee's two new work committees, the Zhangzhou Industry and Information Bureau and the Zhangzhou Branch of CITIC Bank jointly organized the "Learning Series Interviewing the actual recording and sending financial services to the door -to -door party building strong enterprise docking activities, and 21 non -public enterprise party organization representatives participated in the event.

At the meeting, Xiong Li, deputy secretary of the Party branch of Zhangzhou Keneng Electric Co., Ltd., consulted the staff of CITIC Bank on the spot. Under its guidance, the company was approved for a 5 million -line pure credit "science and technology E loan" loan in just one week. "'Science and Technology E -Loan' is more suitable for the needs of specialized new enterprises. Relying on the" Party Enterprise New Time and Space, Government and Enterprise Direct Train "platform, specialized new enterprises can be efficiently connected with banks, reducing the comprehensive financing cost of the enterprise." Li Xingshan, the person in charge of Zhangzhou Keneng Electric Co., Ltd., said.

"Since this year, there are 6 rotating units including Social, Housing and Construction, Commerce, Taxation, Market Supervision Bureau, and Financial Supervision Bureau organizing representatives of non -public enterprise party organizations to participate in the combination of online and offline 'new time and space of party enterprises · government and enterprise. The business docking meeting of the enterprise policy through the traffic. For enterprises, you can learn the knowledge of party history, but also understand the policy and carry out capital docking. "The relevant person in charge of the two new work committees of the Zhangzhou Municipal Party Committee said that a seedling grows It is impossible for trees to be done overnight. The coordinated docking activities of the party, government and enterprise can ensure that policy docking is efficient and accurate, and helps SMEs grow from the three levels of gradient gradients of innovative SMEs, specialized specialty new SMEs, and specialized new 'little giants'. At present, 12 bank insurance institutions in Zhangzhou have signed on -site contracts with 12 "specialized new" and high -tech SMEs, reaching a loan credit intention of 432 million yuan, and insurance provision of risk guarantee 5.75 million yuan.

During the prevention and control of the epidemic, road control was implemented in many areas. As a food company, Calton's daily transportation volume is huge. How the goods were delivered on time became the most headache for the company. After understanding the situation, the "New Time and Space of the Party Enterprise · Government and Enterprise Direct Train" first link the Longhai District Industry and Information Bureau.

"Zhangzhou 'Party Enterprise New Time and Space · Government and Enterprise Direct Train' Platform has opened the enterprise 'opening red" problem direct reporting channel, helping the enterprise resistance service channel. Pass permit. In the end, more than 200,000 yuan of products successfully reached the hands of customers outside the city, and resolved the urgent need. "Huang Qiuping, chairman of Calton Food, said.

"Cloud" empowerment policy interpretation of grounding

"Regarding the" Six Tax Thaksa "reduction policies, the main content and the specific regulations of the collection and management, you can also consult our 12366 hotline ..."

Open the "Zhangzhou Party Enterprise Enterprise New Time and Space Government and Enterprise Direct Train". The "section chief anchor" of the Zhangzhou Taxation Bureau's simple, easy -to -understand, and prominent highlights, quickly attracted many netizens to repost attention. Netizens like the policy of practical policies in the interactive message, and the content meets the actual needs of the majority of enterprises to truly focus on the enterprises and solve doubts.

The platform opens the "Section Chief Policies" column

Since November last year, Zhangzhou Development and Reform Commission, Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Science and Technology Bureau and many other Zhangzhou City Direct Captains of the Enterprise Department of Enterprises are transformed into the program "anchor". At the same time, the gift package actively interacts with the enterprise and provides enterprises with new ideas and methods to solve problems.

"Video is the way, interpretation is the key." The relevant person in charge of the Zhangzhou Municipal Party Committee's two new work committees said that many counties and cities have issued many policies for beneficiary enterprises. In the early stage of the event, we invited relevant enterprise departments to comprehensively sort out the policy involved in the headquarters. Essence According to the policy content of the beneficiary enterprise, shooting related videos will bring more professional guidance to enterprises.

"There are many categories, different requirements, and high degree of professionalism in these 'massive' policies. Enterprises want to find relevant policies for enterprises, just enter the name of the enterprise. "New time and space of the party and enterprises · government -enterprise direct traffic" will quickly match policies that are suitable for enterprises, worry -free and effort.

After relocation, Lidaxin Enterprise Production Workshop

This is the "policy cloud distribution" function opened by the "New Time and Space of the Party Enterprise · Government and Enterprise" platform. It focuses on the policies of funds declaration and qualification identification. Disassembling and matching the policy of two -level benefits.

As of now, Zhangzhou relying on the "New Time and Space of the Party Enterprise · Government and Enterprise Direct Train" platform, it is led by the Zhangzhou Industry and Information Bureau to collect and disassemble the city's two levels of benefit enterprise policies. The system matching was successfully transformed from "enterprise manual finding policy" to "policy intelligence to find enterprises".

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