renew!Beijing, Shanghai, and Inner Mongolia have been adjusted in many places. There are 11+44 high school risk zones across the country.

Author:Beijing Commercial Daily Time:2022.06.19

On June 19th, the 216th press conference of the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia in Shanghai: It is listed as a central risk area.

As of 24:00 on June 18, after evaluation of the Beijing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, according to the "Standards for Risk Grade Standards for the New Crown Pneumonia's Epidemic Epidemium", the risk level of 1 place in Chaoyang District was as follows:A total of 1 case of confirmation of the soil in 14 days, from now on the central risk area to a low -risk area.

On June 18th, the Headquarters of the Sinite Zuo Banner's New Crown Pneumonia Epidemium in Sinite League in Inner Mongolia issued an announcement.Ersumu was adjusted to high -risk areas.

After the adjustment, there are 11 high -risk areas and 44 high -risk areas across the country.

Source Beijing Daily Client

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