Online civilized posters ⑤ 丨 promote the new style of Qilu civilization and build a beautiful home online

Author:Jining News Network Time:2022.09.01

Poster commentator Xiong Miao

Following the opening of the China Network Civilization Conference on August 28, on the 29th, 2022 Shandong Network Civilization Week continued to start in Shandong. The Shandong Network Civilization Week and the China Network Civilization Conference simultaneously resonated with the same frequency and the same frequency. It aims to continue to promote the popularity of online civilization in the Qilu land, and to build a good spiritual homeland on the Internet. From the continuation of Shandong Network Civilization Week last year, it has become an important platform for the concept of online civilization, experience exchanges and results display.

This is an era when online and offline boundaries are becoming more and more blurred. On the one hand, the network culture is getting richer, and there are more and more mortals' good deeds. On the other hand, there are many chaos such as cyber violence, online waters, and online rumors. Online homeland has become part of the pursuit of a happy life.

A beautiful homeland is inseparable from down -to -earth construction. The development of the Internet is changing with each passing day, and the Internet applications are introduced. It is the key to the construction of the Internet content construction. In recent years, the construction of Shandong Internet Civilization has blossomed multiple points: "Good Pin Shandong" public brands have continued to break and become a golden signboard; Shandong New Media Association gathers new media forces in the province and is committed to creating a new media ecology ; As of May 2022, there were 136 united media centers of the county (city, district) of the province; in 2022, Shandong identified a total of 31 network literacy education bases; The "Seal Digital Tibetan" state -owned digital collection trading service platform and other digital cultural experiences, adding bricks to the construction of online civilization ... Various innovative measures are used together.

A wonderful home is inseparable from the leadership of advanced examples. In recent years, through the online publicity of typical deeds such as labor models, model models, and moral models, the Internet has rushed towards the new style of civilization and thoughts on the Internet. Shandong passed the excellent story selection of "Good Internet users · In Shandong" example. Waiting for activities, digging the examples around him, showing the new style of Qilu civilization, and giving full play to their leadership.

A beautiful home is inseparable from the resistance to various disasters. The sky is clear and the wind is clear. It is the people's beautiful longing for the online home. However, various illegal and chaos such as cyber violence, cyber fraud, and cyberbullying, just like the wind and rain, erode the online home that should have been calm. The launching ceremony of the Internet Civilization Week was released in the first half of 2022 in the first half of 2022, the typical case of online report disposal of Shandong Province, and a typical case of online rumors in Shandong Province in the first half of 2022. The microcosm of the special operations such as the seedlings "net net" and other series of special operations can be used to cut off the black hands such as the tangible hand, so that the clouds can be used to see the day and protect the homeland.

In the Internet era, none of the online world, no one is a spectator who watched cold eyes, all walking in it and carrying the dream of life. In the past, Qilu's children planted the seeds of "Shandong people doing big things" and "Shandong people who are good to you" with diligence, enthusiasm and responsibility. The beauty of the Internet world. Guarding the good homeland on the Internet is to contribute and control the construction of Qilu land; to build Qilu land in a down -to -earth construction to better protect the online home. Shandong Network Civilization is not a week, and in the future of every effort to struggle.

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