Henan Zhoukou: "Chuangwen" righteous performance walks into the community

Author:Zhoukou Daily Time:2022.09.01

Zhoukou Daily · Zhou Dao client reporter Dou Nawen/Picture

In order to mobilize the majority of citizens to actively participate in the "creation of the text" and do a good job in creating a national civilized city, on the morning of August 31Service Center and Jingyuan Shengshi Huadu Jiaxin Property has carried out the "Tongchuang City Love a Home" community moral civilization performer in the Jingyuan Community Jingyuan Community Jingyuan Community Jingyuan Community Jingyuan Community Jingyuan Community.

During the event, the actors incorporated the concept of creating a national civilized city in Zhoukou through the form of dance, opera, and songs. One by one, the ground -up and warm programs made the residents full of eyes, praised again and again, and the laughter continued.At the event site, volunteers also distributed the "Regulations on the Promotion of Civilization Behavior of Zhoukou City" for residents, which enhanced the quality of residents' civilization and made moral civilization take root in the hearts of the masses.

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