Ma Lei: On the way to maintain the reputation of the soldiers

Author:China Youth Network Time:2022.09.01

How many people can a veteran affect? It is more than eight million, and it is five or six hundred.

Ma Lei is a veteran. After contacting the Internet in 2018, he introduced his work on the Internet and explained entrepreneurial policies. After contacting the new media, he registered an account titled "-quarter-thirty-three seconds-" on Weibo and other social platforms. Combining his own experience, he introduced military life and answered the doubts of the army on the Internet. After five years, he received the attention of more than 8 million fans on the entire network.

He attaches special attention to maintaining the reputation and honor of soldiers, and fights for many behaviors that damage the image of the soldiers. Last year, a tourist blogger was in the Cemetery Cemetery of Kangsova Martyrs Cemetery in Pishan County, Heshan County, Xinjiang. Face laughed and stepped on the tombstone base, compared with the "pistol" shape to the martyr's tombstone again and posted the above photos in the WeChat circle of friends. After many WeChat friends pointed out the content of the photo, they did not respect the heroes and martyrs. content. In order to obtain traffic attention, the blogger once again published the photo to today's headline personal account. Some netizens privately wrote Ma Lei, and asked him to talk about his views on the blogger's behavior. "This is simply insulting the reputation of the martyrs." Ma Lei told the China Youth Daily · that he was very angry and realized that "this is an illegal act." Ma Lei, who is familiar with the Protection of the Heroes and Martyrs, exposed the blogger's behavior and spoke many times. It is recommended to deal with it according to law. In the end, the blogger was punished by the law.

"I did what I should do." Ma Lei said, because he had been a soldier and saw the behavior that harmed the image of the soldier, he became even more angry. "In order to maintain the reputation and honor of his comrades, I must fight against the wrong wind to the end!"

Ma Lei said. After the outbreak of the epidemic in 2020, all kinds of rumors about the epidemic flooded the Internet, misleading netizens, and also brought panic to the society. He learned that a comrade in the square hospital took a real life scene and quickly contacted. After understanding and verification, the video was sent to Weibo under its authorization, and the reading volume quickly exceeded 1 billion, which received praise and support from netizens.

"Everyone saw the real situation, and the psychology of fear naturally dissipated." In the following period of time, he collected, verified, and published information through the Internet, and he was often busy until late at night. The rumors he released have become explosives many times, and they have boarded hot search.

Ma Lei let netizens feel the iron bones of retired soldiers. Under his propaganda and popularity, five or six hundred young people have been encouraged by seeing his blog posts and joined the barracks. Driven by him, more than a dozen veterans have also begun to propagate the policy of participating in the military, showing military life, clarifying unreasonable rumors, and fighting against the image of damage to soldiers and martyrs.

"I hope to drive more comrades and netizens to tell the stories of soldiers together, spread the good voices of military -veterans will not fade, dedicate and happy." Ma Lei said. (China Youth Daily · China reporter Li Huaxi)

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