[Civilized practice volunteer travel] Thanksgiving alma mater "clothing" deep affection

Author:Propaganda Taipi Temple Banner Time:2022.06.19

In order to further promote the good social fashion of caring for young people, and sending social care for young people, on June 17, the Taipu Temple Banner's non -public party building the Taiping Community (the Public Welfare Alliance Love Association) carried out public welfare donation activities at the second vocational education center of Taizhou Temple.

The donation activity was strongly supported by the Herdist's House of Tai Shengyuan. A total of more than 3,000 yuan was donated to encourage students to learn well, actively overcome difficulties, and giving back to the society with their actions when they grew up.

"Today, I donate clothes for my alma mater through the Love Public Welfare Alliance and make a small contribution to my alma mater. I am honored and feels kind." Han Xueqin, the person in charge of Tai Shengyuan Herdist's House.

Gifts of roses, hand a fragrance. A brand new clothes not only warmed the hearts of all teachers and students, but also strengthened their determination to pass the positive energy of love. The classmates received new clothes, and they couldn't help but smile on their faces. "Especially thanks to the donation of people's love associations, we will study hard, be a useful person to society, and pass this love." Student Gao Chunyu said happily.

A drop of water can reflect the glory of the sun, a love is enough to reflect the warmth of society. The non -public party building of the Taipi Temple will give full play to the role of the bond, build a communication platform, and encourage more love associations, enterprises, and caring people to participate in public welfare activities, gather stronger forces to help and warm more people.

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