Lu Liang's "6 · 18" is here!are you ready?

Author:Luliang Radio and TV Station Time:2022.06.19

In order to further release consumption potential, promote the upgrading of consumption, help Luliang's special products, and promote the rapid development of new business formats such as live e -commerce and community e -commerce. The 2022 "promotion consumption quality life" co -organized by the Propaganda Department of Luliang Municipal Party Committee and Luliang City Cultural Tourism Bureau 6 · 18 The launching ceremony of the consumer activities was held in Shihite Plaza Shopping Center, Li Shi District.

At the launching ceremony, the person in charge of the relevant unit introduced the situation of the city's 2022 "promotion consumption quality life" on the 6.18 topic to promote consumer activities. It is understood that consumer activities in June 18th were launched from June 17 to June 26. During the event, in accordance with the characteristics of citizens' consumption, our city will link all localities and cooperate with all parties to organize e -commerce companies through domestic leading e -commerce platforms such as, Alipay, Douyin, Meituan, and other large local businessmen. Super, commercial complex online and offline linkage launch the "6.18 National Hi Buy" activity, excellent online stores and other promotion activities for the "6.18 Shanxi Brand", provincial e -commerce live broadcast base launched the "non -stop" live broadcast and cargo activity Essence

Li Xingyu, a staff member of the Marketing System Construction Section of Luliang City Business Bureau: This event was carried out simultaneously in the province. The main activities were:

Jingdong APP opened the column of Shanxi's love purchase event in 6.18. Promoting the special products of our city, Jingdong Group provides preferential policies for newly opened stores from June 17th to July 30th;

Meituan launched a 6.18 promotional expenses. During Friday to Sunday activities, it will invest millions of preferential resources for Shanxi. Users can randomly receive 5 to 20 yuan red envelopes. Urban regional brands, old -fashioned brands, etc.

At the same time, we also learned that the 2022 "promotion consumption quality life" 6 · 18 special consumption promotion activities are an important "fist" for the city's series of "combination boxing" this year. Next, our city will continue to make efforts in stabilizing the economy, helping the enterprise, and the upgrading of service industries, and make every effort to promote the recovery of the consumer market in our city. In this event, a group of enterprises and e -commerce industry representatives also actively joined the event to fully help the development of this consumer activity.

Li Rong, the person in charge of Lu Liang Qinjin Agricultural Products Development Co., Ltd.: This year due to the impact of the epidemic, the actual sales situation is not good. Then we join the event through the Luliang E -Commerce Entrepreneurship Association. Pinduoduo, Taobao's various online sales, make a good business card for our local agricultural special products, and push our good local agricultural products.

Supervision/Liu Sanping

Review/Liu Xiaomei Ma Biyun

Reporter/Kang Ruifeng Xue Tao

Edit/Wang Yixuan


New Media Editor: Geng Yanpeng

New Media Technology: Cui Wei

New media review: Zhang Yanan

New media producer: Geng Ruishan Zheng Fangmin

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