Improve the level of confidentiality to maintain national security -Agricultural Black Branch Bank actively carried out confidential education work

Author:China Economic Times Rural Fin Time:2022.08.31

Improve the level of confidentiality to maintain national security -Agricultural Black Branch Bank actively carried out confidential education work

Conservative state secrets are the basic obligations of citizens stipulated in the constitution of my country. In order to further implement the spirit of confidentiality and rule of law, enhance the national security awareness of employees, and effectively improve the level of confidentiality management. Recently, the Agricultural Power Branch Branch has carried out solid education work to build a strong confidentiality line.


Learn for the special courses of confidentiality, tighten the string of secrets. The party secretary of the bank's party branch closely explained the specific requirements of confidentiality work around the three aspects of the Communist Party's confidentiality work, the importance of confidentiality work, and how to do a good job of confidentiality work, and focused on the focus of confidentiality work under the new situation of agricultural issuance. Explanation in detail. He emphasized that all employees must firmly establish a sense of confidentiality "red line" and "bottom line", carefully investigate safety risk points, and ensure that national security confidentiality work is foolproof.

Learn the confidential courses on the line and compile the fence of confidentiality. The bank organized all employees to register online and log in to the "Confidentiality" APP to learn specified confidential courses. The training line of confidential education includes five parts including excellent traditions, laws and regulations, knowledge common sense, technical prevention and warning cases in confidentiality work. A total of 7.5 courses, after reaching prescribed hours and credits, you need to take the online examination. At present, 17 people have obtained the "Confidential Education Training Certificate" to complete the training of confidentiality lines.

Strengthen internal supervision and build a shield of confidentiality. The bank attaches great importance to confidential self -inspection and self -evaluation work, and sets up a confidentiality self -inspection self -evaluation work leading group to compare the self -inspection self -assessment project form. The implementation of the responsibility system for confidentiality work, the implementation of the confidentiality system, computer and network confidentiality management, involved In key areas such as the management of the document management of the secret machine, the investigation and investigation are combed one by one, and insisted on investigating and promoting management, investigating and promoting prevention, promoting and promoting and promoting teaching, and promoting confidential self -examination self -evaluation mechanism and normalization.

In the next step, the bank will continue to grasp the confidentiality work in regular, incorporate daily life, inherit and carry forward the party's excellent traditions, strictly implement the confidentiality regulations of the national and superior banks, and hold a safe and confidential environment for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Essence (Huang Ziling)

Responsible editor: Zhang Wei Guo Jinhui

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