Emergency rescue of the vehicle falls into the water!

Author:Porcelain capital public secur Time:2022.06.19

On the afternoon of June 19, 2022, the Xinping Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Fuliang County received alarm from the masses in the area, saying that when they drove near the road near the Yejiawu Group of Chapei Village, Fuliang Town, the vehicle was rushed to the deep water next to the deep water.In the area, the two are currently trapped in the car and urgently need to be a police station for assistance.



Police is the order. Life is more important than Taishan. After receiving the police, Qian Shaochun, director of Xinping Police Station, immediately led the people on duty to immediately drive to the Yejiawu Group of Chapei Village, Fuliang Town.After arriving at the scene, the Xinping Police Station immediately carried out rescue work. After judging the water flow of the scene, the director Qian Shaochun led the police to throw the lives in the livelihood circle. After the efforts of the entire office, the two trapped people were safe.In order to prevent the people of unknown people from entering the risk road, the Xinping Police Station also set up a security reminder cone in front of the road.


The rainfall continues, and the Xinping Police Station will continue to pay close attention to the changes in flood conditions, and do its best to do flood control and disaster relief work such as hidden dangers, traffic guidance, and mass transfer to ensure the safety of the people's lives and property.

Picture: Yu Yanwen: Hong Zhenyu

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