Ministry of Education: The policy of implementing students from school step by step must not be increased layer by layer | June 18th, there is no new local diagnosis case in Guangxi; the nation's "5+22" →

Author:Guangxi Satellite TV Time:2022.06.19

June 17th

State Council joint defense joint control mechanism

Hold a press conference

Introduction of relevant persons in charge of the Ministry of Education

The employment of college students is related to the work of returning home

Epidemic prevention and control situation

In the past week, the global epidemic has rebounded, and the overall situation of the epidemic situation in my country has remained stable, but the risk of diffusion in individual localities still exists, and it still cannot be relaxed. In the past two days, the newly added infected people have dropped below 100 cases, but the local epidemic still fluctuates.


In the past week, Beijing has continued to discover infected people, which is related to the gathers of the bar staff, which affects many districts in Beijing. However, in the past two days of Beijing, those infected from isolated observations, so the risk of diffusion has been reduced. It still needs to be screened to check risks through rigorous blending nucleic acid screening in key areas and key industries.


Shanghai recently continued to report sporadic custody and control personnel infection, and there are still risk of hidden community communication in individual areas.


Inner Mongolia's Erlianhot and Chifeng epidemic have declined as a whole, but there are still infected people with unknown people and unknown sources. There is a risk of community communication and spread.


Those who have unknown social infections in Jilin Tonghua and Baishan City also show that there is still a certain risk of community communication.

Campus recruitment and employment


In principle, in areas with epidemics, there are no new epidemic situations in the city where the university is located for 7 consecutive days and above, and campus recruitment activities can be organized;


In areas with no epidemic, universities implement the normalization measures for local epidemic prevention and control, and continue to do a good job of campus recruitment activities as needed;


Universities and employers that do not meet the conditions for recruitment in the school shall actively hold online recruitment activities.


Wu Aihua, deputy director of the Student Department of the Ministry of Education, introduced that universities in various places must strictly implement the "Four Inconsistent" discipline requirements-

It is not allowed to force and induce graduates to sign employment agreements and labor contracts in any way;

Not allowed to issue the graduation certificate and degree certificate with the signing of the graduates;

It is not allowed to persuade graduates to sign a false employment agreement on the grounds of accounting;

The graduates are not allowed to take the internship and trainee certification materials as employment certification materials.

College students return home

Liu Peijun, deputy director of the Sports and Art Department of the Ministry of Education and the first -level inspector, said that this summer is coming, and college students will return to the school to enter a new stage. The joint prevention and control mechanisms at all levels, relevant departments and universities have formed a policy, mechanism and work experience that support students to return to their hometowns:


In areas with epidemics, if there is no epidemic in colleges and universities, after the implementation of more than 7 days of closed management, students can hold 48 hours of kernel acid detection negative proof and relevant certificates issued by universities to leave home, and implement "point -to -point" from school to destinations. Back to the hometown in a closed loop.


College students who meet the above conditions no longer concentrate their isolation, and implement 7 days of health monitoring after arriving at home. If there are abnormalities, the local community and epidemic prevention and control departments should be reported in a timely manner.


If the students who return to the country do need to be isolated, the localities should be exempted from centralized isolation costs. The joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council clearly requires that all localities must convey step by step and implement the policy of departure from school step by step.


Students encounter problems and special needs on the way back to school and return to the two main channels: First, they can reflect the situation to the school counselors, class teachers, or the department of the school where they are located; Public consultation calls reflect the situation.


In the next step, the Ministry of Education will continue to refine the implementation of students' departure policies, strengthen supervision and inspection with various departments, and strengthen supervision and inspection in conjunction with various departments. Restricted the unreasonable and unreasonable practices of students' return to their hometowns.

Guangxi epidemic

At 0-24 on June 18, a new native infection was added in Guangxi (Fangchenggang Dongxing City).

On the same day, one case was released from isolation medicine to observe local symptoms (Fangchenggang City).

As of 24:00 on June 18, there were 33 symptoms of infections in the region (all in Fangchenggang).

There were 24 new overseas input input -free infection (all in Chongzuo City). On the same day, there were 3 cases of confirmed cases (all in Chongzuo City), and 20 cases of observation of input of non -symptoms were lifted by isolation medical observation (19 cases of Chongzuo City and 1 case of Qinzhou). There are two existing overseas input cases (both are in Chongzuo City), and 139 cases of asymptomatic infection were entered overseas (both in Chongzuo City).

Nine new contacts were added on the day, 154 people were closely related to the observation of isolation medicine, and 556 were close to the existing close contacts.

There were 1649 cumulative cases in the region, 1645 were cured, 2 cases of death, 2 cases of death, and 2 cases in the cure.

National epidemic

At 00-24 on June 18, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 36 newly confirmed cases. Among them, 31 cases were entered overseas (10 cases in Shandong, 9 cases in Fujian, 6 cases in Shanghai, 1 case in Beijing, 1 case in Jiangsu, 1 case of Hunan, 1 case in Guangdong, 1 case of Yunnan, 1 case of Shaanxi), including 10 cases of asymptomatic The infected person turned to the confirmed case (8 cases in Shandong, 1 case of Fujian, and 1 case of Hunan); 5 cases of local cases (3 cases in Shanghai, 1 case of 1 case in Inner Mongolia, and 1 case of Liaoning). There are no new death cases. No new suspected cases.

There were 53 new cases of hospitalization on the day, including 24 cases of overseas input cases, 29 cases of local cases (18 cases in Shanghai, 4 cases in Beijing, 4 cases in Sichuan, 2 cases in Inner Mongolia, 1 case of Liaoning). People, a case of severe cases decreased by 1 case from the previous day. There were 246 existing confirmed cases overseas (non -severe cases), and there were no suspected cases. There were a total of 19,061 confirmed cases, and 1,8815 cases were cured and there were no death cases.

As of 24:00 on June 18, according to the reports of 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, there are 897 confirmed cases (8 of them), with a total of 21,9120 cases of hospitalization, and 5,226 cases of accumulated death cases. A total of 225,243 cases were reported to the accumulated report, and there were no suspected cases. A total of 4212,613 people were tracked to the close contact, and 108,801 close contacts were still observed in medical observation.

31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 123 cases of non -symptoms, of which 101 were entered overseas, 22 cases in the country (6 cases in Shanghai, 4 cases in Inner Mongolia, 3 cases of Liaoning, 3 cases of Jilin, Guangdong, Guangdong Two cases, 1 case in Beijing, 1 case in Zhejiang, 1 case in Guangxi, and 1 case).

There were 138 cases of non -symptoms of medical observation that day, of which 68 cases were entered overseas, 70 in the local area (45 cases in Shanghai, 6 cases in Liaoning, 5 cases in Sichuan, 4 cases in Beijing, 4 cases in Jilin, 2 cases in Zhejiang, 1 case of Hebei, 1 case of Hebei. 1 case of Inner Mongolia, 1 case of Guangxi, 1 case of Yunnan); 10 cases of confirmed cases (both inputs overseas input); 1560 cases of non -symptoms observed in medical observation (546 cases were entered overseas).

A total of 357,9135 cases were notified in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Among them, 334,599 cases of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (63,191 cases were discharged from the hospital, 9393 deaths), 83 cases of 83 cases of Macau Special Administrative Region (83 cases were discharged from hospital), and 32,44453 cases in Taiwan (13,742 cases were discharged and 5049 deaths).

Inquiry in high -risk areas in the country

*High and medium -risk areas are dynamic information, and eventually the implementation of the implementation of the epidemic prevention and control headquarters in various places shall prevail

Source | Official Website of the Autonomous Region Health and Health Committee, official website of the National Health and Health Commission

Edit 丨 Mo Jiexin

Editor -in -law 丨 Towish

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