Fire class marching training, supporting the "safe umbrella" growth

Author:Henan Daily Client Time:2022.08.31

Henan Daily client reporter Guo Beichen Correspondent Jing Peng Zhen Zhang Wei

In order to further promote the work of fire safety publicity and education, and to cultivate the fire safety awareness and self -rescue ability of teachers and students in the summer social practice activities, recently, Jiyuan Fire Rescue Detachment Yuchuan Brigade and Jiyuan Senior Middle School will carry out fire class. "Theme practice activities, more than 1,200 teachers and students shared fire safety knowledge" big meals ".

In the Yuchuan Fire Rescue Brigade, the firefighters led the students to visit the various fire vehicles, equipment and equipment, introduce the use and performance of various equipment and equipment in unknown language, and explain various types of fire safety knowledge and precautions for escape self -rescue. The classmates were curious, and they touched fire equipment with interest, tried on fire fighting uniforms, wearing air respirators, and experienced the taste of being a firefighter.

On the training ground, the firefighters showed the rescue business skills of one person's three -plate water belt connection, 60 -meter shoulder ladder, rope climbing on the fourth floor, single -person climbing hook ladder, and other rescue business skills. Battle and applause. In the fire fighting class, the students were amazed when they looked at the neat internal affairs and clean and clean environment, especially when the quilt like "tofu blocks". Subsequently, the firefighters also showed everyone how to stack the "tofu" quilt on the spot. When they saw a quilt formed quickly, everyone raised their palms.

During the past two hours of visits, students have always been interested and the atmosphere is active. The "zero distance" experience and "immersive" experience enabled all teachers and students to learn more deeply about the life, work and training of firefighters, and experience the hardships of firefighters' work. Knowledge supports a "safe umbrella" for their thriving growth.

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