Jiangsu Xiyi High -tech Zone: Create the "upgraded version" of the business environment with love with affection

Author:Xinhua Daily Time:2022.08.30

In recent years, the Discipline Inspection Commission of Xiyi High -tech Zone has based on benefiting enterprises to help enterprises, giving full play to the supervision mechanism, comprehensively helping the business environment to optimize, and continuously constructing "pro -pro -pro -" "new" and "clear" political and business relations with practical service measures, continuously creating creation Good business environment.

Improve the package hanging mechanism. The one -to -one packet of docking mechanism is implemented. Party members and cadres actively paired with the enterprise. From project recruitment, procedures to landing services, epidemic prevention and control, and policy cash, they can do zero -distance docking and one -stop service. Continuously supervise the "run" service in the implementation of major industrial projects, and implement the first -tier site inspections to implement the prevention and control of the epidemic. Open the green channel to focus on the problem of "pain points" and "blocking points" such as difficulty in doing things, many links, and running back and forth, go deep into the enterprise for comments and suggestions, focus on solving the "bottleneck" of land, approval, and services, etc., and provide enterprises with One -stop approval procedures.

Jianqiang three major platforms. Establish a hotline phone, human talent service center, party and mass service center, accelerate the construction of 4+1 innovation and entrepreneurship carrier, and create a good environment for dual -innovation talents at all levels and fields. Open up service hotline complaints and normal supervision channels, realize coordination and linkage, concentrate on supervision and supervision responsibility departments to solve a group of "urgent and sorrow" issues that reflect strongly, and ensure that the demands of enterprises involved are not omitted. Relying on the Party and Mass Service Center, regular government and enterprise symposiums are held to build a comprehensive government -enterprise communication platform. Build a talent and human resources industrial park, introduce human resources reward methods, cultivate talents with the environmental environment, and provide a standardized working environment for various types of innovative and entrepreneurial talents to help enterprises retain talents.

Build a Qinglian park together. In accordance with the requirements of the six good requirements, the three clear demonstration constructions were carried out in accordance with the six good requirements of the six six good requirements. Pay close attention to the "key minority" of the power positions of various functional departments, especially for key positions involved in enterprises, regularly carry out reminders and talks, conduct regular risk investigations of clean government every year, formulate preventive measures, refine service processes and responsibility lists, and conduct "clean government medical examinations "". Actively carry out the pilot "three clear demonstrations" of non -public enterprises, use Huaxin as a model, guide enterprises to improve and improve the supervision mechanism of internal and external enterprises, take "four integrations" as the starting point, create a "three clear demonstration" brand, promote the integrity culture, and promote the integrity culture. Create a clean enterprise. Using existing cultural facilities, corporate corridors, conference rooms and other places, carry out integrity education, actively promote the healthy and orderly development of enterprises, and create a righteous practitioner environment.

(Lei Huihui Chen Shuo)

Review: Pan Ruikai

Editor in charge: Yu Mengmeng

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