The boy said late at night: How much does it cost to go to the police station to sleep?

Author:Global Times Time:2022.08.30

"How much does it cost to go to the police station to sleep?" A 8 -year -old boy asked the police casually, which made the police be able to bear it.

At 2 am on August 21, the Yujiashan Police Station of the Hongshan Branch of the Wuhan Public Security Bureau received a call from the police. I'm so scared at home. "

After receiving the police, the police officer Yang Yecheng led the auxiliary police to quickly leave the police.

10 minutes later, the police rushed to Tong Tong's house, "Mom and Dad are not angry with me, how can I go?"

At first sight, the uncle of the police came, and the Tong Tong cried.

During the communication, Tong Tong reported his parents' mobile phone number to the police. The police dialed with their mobile phones, but both mobile phones were in a state of no interview.

"Are you waiting for us to go back to the police station to rest? Go to our police station to sleep, and wait for the parents to return to you." The police and Tongtong discussed.

"How much money?" Tong Tong's cold words made the police stunned.

"Ah, why do you want money? Go to our police station without money." Yang Yecheng answered with a smile.

In order to prevent his family from worrying, Tong Tong took the initiative to write a message bar. After the parents returned home, if he found that he was missing, he would go to the police station to find him.

After returning to the police station, the police took Tong Tong to his bedroom. With the police, Tong Tong quickly fell asleep.

At 5:00 on the same day, the police finally received a call from the child's father, Mr. Wang. It turned out that the Tong Tong mother had acute kidney stones that night, and the pain was unbearable. When the couple saw the son sleeping deeply and could not bear to disturb, they hurried to the hospital.

The next morning, Tong Tong saw his father after waking up at the police station. He told his father excitedly: Everything at night was like a wonderful dream.

When receiving Tong Tong, the police just after the night shift, Mr. Wang did not disturb too much. He made a special call to Police Yang for his gratitude at noon.

Netizens do one after another, the witty little boy likes it

Source: Hebei Transportation Broadcast

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