Talking about "grasping projects and promoting development" 丨 Quanzhou Natural Resources and Planning Bureau Liu Wenfa: Gathering Land to outline the landscape home

Author:Quanzhou Evening News Time:2022.08.30

"Landscape Rongcheng is organic symbiosis", such poetic planning construction is currently spreading slowly in Quanzhou.

The reporter was informed that since this year, Quanzhou has implemented the two -wheel drive of "strong industries and prosperous cities", insisting on the factors follow the project, fully strengthen the service of resource element, and improve the level of accurate guarantee. one. "In the second half of the year, we will combine special actions such as" 10,000 cadres into thousands of enterprises, one enterprise, one strategy to promote development ', fight for the third quarter, sprint in the fourth quarter, and solidly promote the work of protecting resources, protecting development, and living people to ensure that to ensure that Complete the annual goals and tasks to create a landscape, humanistic and happy home, "said Liu Wenfa, director of the Municipal Natural Resources and Planning Bureau.

□ Quanzhou Evening News reporter Lin Mingshan

Enhanced factor protection

Strive for more industrial projects to be included in the national and provincial list

Precise land use to ensure the scientific development of urban science.

In the high -quality development chapter of Quanzhou in the first half of the year, high -quality and efficient land supply gave urban development sufficient blank. The land for the Baiase Water Conservancy Project was approved by the State Council. Together, the project was approved by the project with an area of ​​46027 acres. It has been approved for 172 projects and an area of ​​43208 acres. The pilot of inefficient land survive, and 4695 acres of idle land are revitalized. 107 land were transferred, with an area of ​​5275.69 acres, with a turnover of 9.017 billion yuan. Actively strive for pilot policies for the use of low -efficiency sites in the country, and the "Implementation Plan for the Pilot Work (Pilot)" of Quanzhou City (Pilot Work (First Draft) "has been reported to be approved.

"'The first of the province' is not only the best praise, but also the 'military order' in the second half of the year." Liu Wenfa said.

The "tackling battle" with this starting point has begun -actively strives to include more provincial key industrial projects into the list of major national and provincial projects, and strive to develop more than 2 in each county (city, district). The plan was approved by the provincial government. Ensure the goal tasks of 18022 acres of 18022 acres without supplying and idle land disposal of the year. Promote the problems left over the history of reclamation, strive to support superiors, and get approval as soon as possible. Continue to promote the standardization of industrial (industrial) parks, complete 20 municipal land comprehensive rectification projects, and strive for ecological protection and restoration projects for the southeast coast belt of Hui'an to be included in the major national ecological restoration project library.

Optimize space layout

Strengthen the overall planning and overall planning and strengthening the city's central area

"Tailor -made" for urban development, leading urban governance and development with urban planning.

In the first half of the year, some trendy vocabulary showed steadily in the beautiful home where Quanzhou was yearning for the people. The implementation of the "Implementation Plan for the Planning of the Integrated Development and Construction Resources of the Central and Urban Area" is issued to complete the city design of Haisi New District, the "15 -minute community living circle", "Quanzhou: Song and Yuan China World Ocean Business Center" World Heritage Protection, History and Culture Preliminary results such as the comprehensive protection planning of the neighborhood, 18 ecological lustrous projects were implemented.

These plans can't help but have greater expectations for the future. Liu Wenfa said that the next stage will promote the close and effective combination of urban design and control rules such as the Houzhu District of the East China Sea, the Yunshan area, the Beifeng East area, and the Jiangnan area, and the update and reconstruction project of the new area will be implemented in a timely manner. Accelerate the preparation of the "15 -minute community living circle" planning, and do a good job in planning services such as "gathering city unblocked", mountain line green roads, and intercity railway R1 lines. At the same time, we should strengthen the overall planning of unified management, make bigger and stronger urban areas, and ensure the integrity, coordination and unity of the urban planning and construction of the "Two Rivers and One Bay".

"The Central Vitality Zone of the East China Sea Group, in accordance with the requirements of 'one year breakthrough, three years, and five years of forming', we will focus on the new center of the Huanwan, undertake the emerging industry format, and strive to create a" leading and domestic first -class "vitality bay in the province. The district demonstration zone shaped the image of the future city with the International Conference Center and the Young Maker Industry. "Liu Wenfa said.

Approval service to speed up and increase efficiency

Launched "one thing" integrated package service

Real estate registration matters are closely related to the lives of the masses. Providing efficient and convenient services is to focus on improving the accurate entry point for the masses to gain satisfaction.

In the first half of the year, Quanzhou pushed multiple real estate registration "one -stop settlement". The second -hand housing transaction registration settled 78,000 cases, the mortgage registration matters ended 144,000, and the cancellation registration matters ended 93,000 -more than 300,000 people had a real feeling about this.

Liu Wenfa said that the next stage will promote the "one thing" integrated package service, promote intelligent audit work, set up a "enterprise special window", coordinate financial institutions to jointly promote mortgage real estate transaction registration and mortgage change registration joint office, commercial housing household transfer registration registration registration registration registration registration "One thing" services such as the mortgage forecast transfer to the joint registration joint office; coordinate the promotion of the tax and provident fund department to uniformly adopt the standardized self -service inquiry certificate of the real estate. "Think of ways to handle real estate registration as much as possible for the masses." He said firmly.

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