The underground garage is shocked to "Bitcoin" factory?Local official intervention

Author:Global Times Time:2022.08.29

Recently, many residents in the Evergrande Royal Jingwan Community, Bengbu, Anhui reported that the noise in the underground garage of Building 16 in the community has continued, which seriously affects the lives of the residents. At 3 pm on August 28, the reporters of Da Anhui went to the scene with the relevant departments to learn about the situation. After a preliminary investigation, it was confirmed that this was a private transformation of the underground garage and closed violations. Bitcoin "processing point. At the same time, there is a similar house in the commercial house in the community. At present, relevant departments are demolishing illegal construction and investigating the behavior of renting staff.

Doubt: The noise of the underground garage continues

"When I passed by underground garage, I felt strange to hear the sound of air -conditioning machine work, but I didn't know where to send it out." Recently, the residents of the Evergrande Royal Jingwan Community in Bengbu, Bengbu Evergrande Ms. Li has been troubled by the noise of the underground garage. It is understood that many residents in the community are affected by noise to varying degrees and have been reflected in different ways.

The enthusiastic resident Zhang Yong (pseudonym) said that on the afternoon of August 27, after learning about the continuous noise of the underworld garage in the community, he and another owner went to the second floor of Building No. 16 to check. Eventually on the east side of the elevator room, they found a house closed from multiple underground parking spaces. "That place is more hidden in the underground garage, and most people will not go there. At that time, they could really hear the sound of bombardment, and it was particularly hot when I touched the wall. I think there must be a problem." The venting fan of the fan, Zhang Yong found that on the neatly arranged shelves, multiple machines are running. From the judgment of the situation, at least more than 200 "Bitcoin" mining machines are working. "This is the operation of Bitcoin's mining machinery, and the scale is not small." Zhang Yong said.

Cooling device

Indoor scene

Place the shelf of the device


Inspection and rectification

Live: The equipment inside the house has been shown

At 3 pm on August 28, a reporter from Great Anhui entered Evergrande Royal Jingwan Community and was on the second floor of Building 16. It can be seen through the exhaust louver fan. Sitill.

"In addition to this place, there is a commercial house that is also placed," another enthusiastic owner brought the reporter to the door of the 216 shop in Building 11. Here you can see that the door at the scene is closed, through several grounds, through several grounds, In the exhaust port, I saw a similar set of storage shelves in the underground garage of Building 16. The enthusiastic owner introduced that these exhaust ports were originally stuffed. They felt suspicious and later opened. Now we can see that there are only empty containers.

At the same time, the relevant person in charge of the Bengbu City Government of Bengbu City, which rushed to the scene, stated that it could be preliminarily determined that the parking spaces for underground garage can be blocked. The closed on -site cleanup and rectification must be completed. At the same time, surveys the previously placed items on the two shelves, and deal with law enforcement procedures strictly.

Main entrance of the community

Question: The property is called unknown

Reporter from Dahui learned that Bengbu Evergrande Yijing Bay Community was completed in 2015, and its property company was Bengbu Branch of Jinbi Property Co., Ltd. Regarding why this situation appeared in the community, the reporter then found a person in charge of the Bengbu Branch of Jinbi Property Co., Ltd. at the scene. In the face of the reporter's inquiry, he refused to answer and said he did not know. In the subsequent questioning, the person in charge simply chose to leave.

At 5 pm, the reporter from Dahui came to the basement of Building No. 16 again. The original closed parking spaces had been broken, and there were only empty shelves left in the house.

In the interview, a number of owners expressed serious doubts about the approach of the property. In a closed space like underground garage, why did the property not discover the property? The electricity and communication networks in the house are also successfully connected through community properties. Why did the property know it? At the same time, Zhang Yong reported that he reflected the situation at 5 o'clock in the afternoon on August 27. Why do so many machines disappear when they go to check again at 8 o'clock? To this end, the owners of the community told the reporter of the Great Wan that they hoped that the relevant departments could investigate strictly, completely solve the problem, and explain to the residents of the community.

Source: Dahui News,

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