Xinjiang image 7th 丨 look up at the starry sky at a down -to -earth Time:2022.08.29

Little feet, walking around the world, the nurses' hands are rosy and cute, the footsteps of herders are light and happy, and the pace of students to school is strong and powerful.

The hoped that the folks on the fields are laughed. The golden wheat fields, the red pepper, the full peanuts and the blue sky are painted in a good picture.

The spinning workshop is loud, and the central and European lines are ready to go.

Starting, starting, production, construction, hope ...

One step at a time, down -to -earth, must be confident to look up at the brilliant starry sky.


On August 27, the nurse cared for newborns at the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Midong District, Urumqi. Since the epidemic, all the medical workers of the hospital have adhered to the first line of the epidemic prevention and control of people's health. Photo by Sun Zhensong


On August 23, the streets of Yingsuo Village, Tieganli Town, Ruoqiang County, chased me and rushed to the fierceness. Their ancestors were herdsmen who packed along the Tarim River. The life of the villagers here has undergone tremendous changes and lives a new life. Pomegranate cloud/Xinjiang Daily reporter Zou Yan, Photo

School online

On August 25, a primary school student in the 22nd Regiment of the Second Division of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps participated in the opening ceremony of the autumn new semester held by the school online at home. In order to maximize the impact of the opening of the school due to the epidemic, the two middle schools of the regiment combined with the actual situation, formulated the school to stop the school online teaching plan, and held an online opening ceremony on the same day. Next Teach students online. Xie Jianglin Photo

Orderly return

On August 24, Hutubi County personnel arrived at Urumqi Station. Since August 16th, Hutubi County has organized personnel to leave the country in an orderly manner, employment, and detention tourists. People who have the needs of the country have been reviewed by the industry authority and the street community where they are located. International Airport and Urumqi Station have now assisted 362 people to leave Xinjiang. He Long Photo


On August 23, He Meihua, a member of the "Visit Huiju" work team in Monatun Village, worshiped Toshtograk Township, Luopu County, and her two "small translations" took a group photo in front of the village committee garden. In more than a year of work and life, the members of the "Visit Huiju" team have forged a deep friendship with the folks here. Buy Ti Li Eli Valle Photo


On August 23, the two children passed by the "cultural wall" of Zhuangzi Village, Daquan Township, Shawan City. It is understood that the theme of the "cultural wall" of the village is the main content of rural revitalization, national unity, and civilized etiquette, and the drawing area is 1,000 square meters. Pomegranate/Xinjiang Daily reporter Qin Meihua Photo

Rejection of joy

On August 22, the peanuts of Delvazia Village, Yuqiqi Sitang Township, Kuchi Market won a bumper harvest, and the villagers enjoyed the joy of harvest. In recent years, Kuqi Market has actively adjusted the agricultural planting structure, implemented the "cooperative+base+farmers" model, and developed order peanut planting. At present, the city's peanut planting area has reached more than 8,000 acres, driving more than 100 farmers to increase their income. Photo by Wu Le

Dry and harvest

On August 25, villagers in Kizilkakak Village, Chelk, Chelk, Altay are drying sunflower seeds. In recent years, Calke Qi Township, Altay has based on market demand, gives full play to its own potential, actively encourages farmers to reasonably adjust the planting structure, encourage farmers to plant special crops, and expand new channels for farmers' increase in yield and income. Photo by Aldaq Bystine

Hot day

On August 24, villagers in Nankuqu Village, Jintouhe Town, Shawan City were harvesting peppers. Right now, 48,300 acres of peppers in Shawan City mature, and farmers have grabbed clear weather for harvesting, and the fields are busy. Pomegranate/Xinjiang Daily reporter Qin Meihua Photo

Golden field

On August 22, the villagers in Kaisak Village, Hongnahai Town, Zhaosu County were harvesting wheat straw. Large wheat straw recycling machine Mercedes in the field, recycling wheat straw in time, becoming livestock's winter grass. Photo by Li Wenwu

Careful textile

On August 22, workers were busy in the spinning workshop of Xinjiang Charges Textile Technology Co., Ltd. in the Kuqi Economic and Technological Development Zone. In the past few days, the Kuqi Market has continued to do a good job in preventing and controlling the epidemic, restore normal production and living order, and simultaneously promote the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development. Photo by Liu Xuemei

Towering into the clouds

On August 23, workers performed engineering projects in Yanbei, East Second Ring Road, Urumqi City. It is understood that the East Second Ring Road Project starts from the Shahe Interchange Office of Tuwu Grand Highway, the West Connection of Wukui North Link, and the end point is located about 2 kilometers north. The main line of Yanbei and the auxiliary roads of the East Second Ring Road started construction in 2022, and it is expected to be completed by the end of October. Pomegranate cloud/Xinjiang Daily reporter Zhou Peng

Segmented construction

On August 26, the construction workers were intense construction between Jundong to General Temple Station. During the construction of the Railway Expansion and Reconstruction Project, the Xinjiang Railway Department continuously optimized the transportation organization model, implemented segmented acceptance and segmented opening methods to maximize transportation, and fully achieved "two -way and double promotion" for transportation and construction. Photo by Guan Bo

All ready to go

On August 22, the Central European train (drone shooting), which overlooks the Alashankou Station. According to statistics from the Alashankou Customs, from January to July this year, the Alashankou port entered and exiting the China -Europe (Central Asia) cargo line 3,549, with a freight volume of 3.095 million tons, an increase of 14.7%year -on -year. Chen Qian Photo

Editor: Song Jun

Edit: Cai Zengle

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