Weili County Xingping Police Station: The red fertile soil deeply cultivates the "red police"

Author:Xinjiang Legal Daily Time:2022.08.29

On August 26, the police officer of the gardening police office of the Xingping Police Station, Ai Wawei, sent a certificate to the villagers of the Garden Yi Village. Photo by Liu Peng

Xingping Town, Weili County is surrounded by the city on three sides, under the jurisdiction of 9 administrative villages. Among them, Daxi Village is famous for "red culture". The Xingping Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Weili County continues the red blood, focusing on creating a "red police", innovating people's livelihood police, so that the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era is deeply rooted on the red hot soil in Xingping Town.

The mediation brand is screaming

There are many remote scattered areas in Xingping Town.

The Xingping Police Station has changed "blocking" into "sparse", with "three adjustment linkages" as the starting point, adopting the police mediation, on -site mediation, and network mediation method.

In October 2021, the Xingping Police Station established the "Old Square Mediation Room". "Old squad leader" was held by the police officer Qing Bifeng, who had retired for 7 years, and carried out mediation work.

Qingbifeng's professionalism is too strong, can calmly respond to various complex scenes, deal with the problem fairness and fairness, and the people who come to work will serve him.

In August 2021, Xingping Town resident Bao Mou hired Tujin. The leg was injured in the legs, and Bao Mou gave 37,000 yuan in 4 times. After identifying it, Twanmou was a tenth level of disability.

The economic situation in Tu's family is poor, and it is difficult to work after being injured. It cannot guarantee subsequent treatment. Bao Mou said that compensation is okay, but after Tu Tu's treatment is over, he will find him with the results of the appraisal, and then pay at one time.

The negotiation between the two parties failed. On July 1 this year, Tu went to the "Old Square Mediation Room" to apply for mediation.

Before the mediation, Qing Bifeng visited two parties and learned that it was not easy for a certain life to have a family. In contrast, Bao's economic conditions were much better.

In the mediation, Tu Mou made a compensation of 120,000 yuan, but Bao Mou thought that he had no evidence and did not agree with compensation. Due to how Qing Bifeng persuaded, neither of the two sides greeted, and finally disappeared.

After that, Qing Bifeng invited Aili Rei Wood, the director of the Institute of Justice of Xingping Town. The two discussed that as long as they found the basis for the claim, the problem could be solved. The two carefully read the laws and regulations and related policies and recorded them one by one.

For the second mediation on July 5th, Qing Bifeng and Aili were prepared. At the scene, they moved the compensation basis and standards of such cases, and combined with reasonable persuasion, Bao Mou had no resignation. After negotiation, Bao's agreed to pay 110,000 yuan at one time. Except for the previously paid, more than 70,000 yuan was paid. After the mediation agreement was reached, the parties applied to the court for judicial confirmation.

In addition to the "old monitor mediation room", the Xingping Police Station also explored the mediation methods such as "tea margin" and "Xiangxian mediation", and set up disputes to resolve the dispute at the door of the people's house.

The Police Room of Daxi Village proposed "a cup of tea, holding hands with each other, and mutual apology, taking a photo of a photo" to make the mediation more temperature.

Since October last year, the Xingping Police Station has resolved more than 260 contradictions and disputes, and the mediation rate has reached 98%.

Serving the masses have characteristics

At the end of July, the reporter saw a row of bicycles with a unified appearance at the Xingping Police Station. The body is blue and white, with the words "Wei Li Public Security Xingping Police Station". Each car is inserted with a small flag printed with the words "Creating the Fengqiao Public Security Police Station".

"In March of this year, we set up a bicycle police service team to equip the police room with 15 bicycles and turn on the bicycle service model." Yang Peng, director of Xingping Police Station.

Bicycle police also have their own set of work -a bicycle, a mother -in -law's mouth, a pair of iron footboards, a red maple card (policeman contact card), and home from home.

Police ride a bicycle running service to make the police more "grounded."

On June 12, Song Den, a police officer of the police office of Xingping Police Station, came to the door with a bicycle. When he passed by the villager Wang Wang's house, Wang was stopped by Wang. "My grandson was lost. Hurry up and help me find it! "

Wang said that she took the 4 -year -old grandson to buy food in the store. In a blink of an eye, the little guy could not find it.

Song Den immediately launched the masses in the WeChat group to help find it. Half an hour later, the masses reported that a child who had seen similar ages played in the forest belt more than one kilometer from the store.

Song Den and Wang went together and found the child.

"In the past, the villagers saw that we were driving a police car and standing far away. Now they ride a bicycle on the road. From time to time, some villagers say hello to us." Song Den said.

The bicycle wheel is turning, and the mind of serving the masses is also turning. Relying on the bicycle police, the Xingping Police Station is based on the extensive solicitation of the masses and suggestions to integrate the resources, and the two -dimensional code will be generated. Understanding the business "Where to do", "What to do", "contact who", can be more "used", which greatly improves the efficiency of the masses.

"In the past, when we signed an agreement with the employee, we had to go to the county to find someone to draft. It is time -consuming and laborious. Now we scan the QR code and can download the protocol directly and print it."

Consultation services, helping agencies, proceeding on the door ... Bicycle police services are becoming more and more abundant.

The bicycle police are just a microcosm of the Xingping Police Station for the people.

The police room has the most close contact with the masses. The Xingping Police Station established a micro -police affairs group in nine police offices to communicate with the masses in the area in the area to maximize the channels of police and civilians.Under the lead of the Xingping Police Station, 6 villages have set up the "Police Volunteer Service Team".Dispute mediation and other work have played an important role in harmony and stability in the jurisdiction.

The people have demand, and the police meet.Today, the Xingping Police Station has continued to enrich the content of the police, making the "Red Police" business card brighter, and the satisfaction of the masses has continued to improve.

Pomegranate cloud/Xinjiang Legal Daily reporter Gu Xueli correspondent Chen Xiaogang

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