Good songs everywhere have come to the "Chinese Charity Day" with colorful activities everywhere

Author:Charity Charity News Time:2022.08.29

The Charity Public Welfare News (Reporter Li Jici) Recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued the "Notice on Doing the Seventh" Chinese Charity Day "related work", calling "Day" related work.

The theme of this year's "China Charity Day" is determined to be "together to do charity, spread truth, goodness and beauty", to call on all sectors of society to support and participate in charity, actively practice the core values ​​of socialism, vigorously promote and spread the spirit of the true, good and beauty of the Chinese nation, and transmit upward upwards Good life is positive.

In the past few days, the civil affairs departments and charitable organizations in various localities have actively responded to the call of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and carried out various characteristic and colorful mass charity activities to preheat color to warm up the upcoming "Chinese Charity Day".

"Sensing" theme activity

The atmosphere represents culture, and the atmosphere determines everything. In order to fully create a popular charitable atmosphere, the Zhuhai Charity Federation has recently launched the "Civilized Zhuhai, the hearts of the hearts" of the Chinese Charity Day Zhuhai Charity series theme activities.

The first appearance of the theme event was a special event of the 2022 "Early Early Veterans · Volunteer Pass" jointly organized by the Party Branch of the Charity Federation of Zhuhai City and the Charity Volunteer Committee. In the Municipal Charity Federation "Volunteer's House", 8 participating veterans, 8 soldiers, eight middle school students, 8 young pioneers representatives and charity volunteer partners from the Zhuhai Charity team participated in the event. The event is composed of "Retired Military Collective Oath", "Face -to -face interviews with veterans", "a tribute letter from youth", "Young Pioneer Members offers red scarves" and "volunteer partner care" and other characteristic interactive links, so that all veterans volunteers, military volunteers, military volunteers, military volunteers, military volunteers, military volunteers, military volunteers, military volunteers, military volunteers, military volunteers, military volunteers, military volunteers, military volunteers, military volunteers, military volunteers, and military volunteers, military volunteers, military volunteers, military volunteers, military volunteers, military volunteers, military volunteers, and military volunteers, and military volunteers, military volunteers, and military volunteers, military volunteers, and soldiers. Different group representatives such as young volunteers have strengthened the spirit and volunteer concept of veterans. "Charity Public Welfare News" reporter learned from Zhuhai Charity Federation that on the arrival of "Chinese Charity Day", the Municipal Charity Federation will also organize more than ten charitable series of activities, including the 2022 Zhuhai Charity Development Forum, offline construction offline Charity space, launch "good words and good words" broadcast column.

"Awesome" charity initiative

"I participate in charity, build a civilized city together. Please extend your friendship, dedicate your infinite love, support the charitable cause of our city with practical actions, and support the people in the city, the disabled, and the family and people who are in trouble. Send the gospel to help him get rid of difficulties. Perhaps your kindness can save a family; maybe your good deeds can light up the dawn of hope; maybe your good thought can change the destiny of their life. Every one can. Perhaps the implementation of 'maybe, people who are difficult will feel the warmth of the world, and the social vision will become better! "

This is the "Proposal" issued by the Jiuquan City Charity Association in Gansu Province to welcome the "China Charity Day" to all sectors of society.

In the "Introduction to the Proposal" of the "Charity and Love Village" in Luyi County Charity Association in Henan Province: "September 5 this year is the seventh 'Chinese Charity Day' in my country. The third time in our county participated in Tencent '99 Charity Day 'activity. This year, our county specially launched the "joint charity, big love rural" activity project, and provides funding for family, disabled people, empty nest elderly people, single -stayed children's families, etc. Support and humanistic care. The implementation of the event requires the joint support and participation of the whole society. Together, we will raise more good funds to help them solve problems, improve their living conditions, and make more difficult families feel the warmth from society. "

"Public Welfare Week" is "unlock" for love

September golden autumn, love at the door. "Rainbow Public Welfare Week" in Hongmei Street, Xuhui District, Shanghai is about to start. This event was co -sponsored by Hongmei Street and Tencent Public Welfare. It will officially kick off on September 1st and last until September 9th. I like it. "

"Rainbow Public Welfare" is a public welfare brand project launched by Hongmeiting Service Center, Hongmei Street, Xuhui District. In response to the characteristics of Hongmei Street's residential enterprises and large personnel liquidity, the Hongmei Ting Public Welfare Service Center was established in 2013 to actively explore the social operation of public welfare charities. From 2015 to 2021, Rainbow Public Welfare successively launched a number of public welfare activities such as "Rose Rose", "Lei Fengxia", "Ala 40" and "Zebra Action", and has been well received by residents.

Rural culture goes to the "C position"

Charity makes culture more humane, and culture makes charity more inherited.

On August 23, Handian Village Cultural Plaza, Xiaoqi Township, Baofeng County, Henan Province was lively. The publicity and performance of the "China Charity Day" literary and artistic exit of the "China Charity Day" organized by the Baofeng County Charity Federation was held here, attracting the folks in Qixiang and Ba Town to watch the help, and it became a local charity story. During the performance, from the traditional drama "Guan Gong Crossing the River" and "Mu Guiying" to the modern drama "The Biography of the World of China", the repertoire appeared in turn, and the actors showed their skills and attracted the audience to be addicted.

According to the person in charge of the Baofeng County Charity Federation, during this year's "Chinese Charity Day", the county charities will closely follow the theme of "join hands with charitable communication" and continue to carry out publicity and performances of literary and artistic township. The masses explained charity and called for participation in charity. "We will use the form of performances of the masses to be entertaining and happy. This not only enriches the cultural life of the grassroots, but also promotes the construction of a beautiful and harmonious new countryside."

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