Luoyang Yiyang: Carry out caring for free clinics to help children's health

Author:Henan Business News Luoyang Ne Time:2022.06.19

Top News · Henan Business Daily reporter Fu Shoupeng Correspondent Zhu Yanping

Recently, the Children's Rehabilitation Department of the People's Hospital of Yiyang County, Luoyang City launched a love free clinic in the county park.

At the event site, the medical staff conducted a height measurement, growth and development assessment for children, applied acupoints on the spot, ear acupoint pressure beans, etc.;Parents have distributed information such as health care and health care of Chinese medicine.

According to medical staff, most children with disabilities are congenital disability, complicated causes of onset, and some difficulties in treatment.The rehabilitation of disabled children should be inspected, early discovery, and early intervention. It is necessary to adhere to the rehabilitation training of science and systems.Medical staff said that the next step will be carried out on a regular basis, so that the county disabled children will feel the care of the medical staff for them and the warmth of the social family.

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