Zhengzhou's population lost more than 2 million?The truth is ...

Author:Internet joint rumor platform Time:2022.06.19

After 2021 "July 20" and the impact of multiple rounds of epidemic, Zhengzhou's economic development in Henan faced large downward pressure. In this context, the news of "Zhengzhou's loss of 2.79 million" news recently spread on the Internet and attracted attention. What is the fact?

On May 6 this year, the statistics of the total nucleic acid testing data of Zhengzhou City showed a total of 13.049 million people. Compared with the fifth round of Zhengzhou City's fifth round of all -round nucleic acid testing of 12.386 million, it increased by 663,600. This marks the first time that Zhengzhou's population has exceeded 13 million people for the first time.

In this regard, Gu Jianquan, deputy director of the Population and Resources and Environment Committee of the Henan Provincial Political Consultative Conference, believes that the test of the whole member nucleic acid is an effective way to find a city population. Zhengzhou's population exceeds 13 million people, indicating that the local population's siphon effect has further appeared, and the attraction of the city has been further enhanced.

Zhengzhou Railway Station, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. Data Map Wang Wei (Visual)

Earlier, the Zhengzhou Statistics Bureau's "Zhengzhou National Economic and Social Development Statistics Bulletin" released by the Zhengzhou Municipal Bureau of Statistics shows that at the end of 2021, Zhengzhou's permanent population was 12.742 million, and the urbanization rate of the resident population was 79.1%. The seventh national census data announced in May 2021 shows that Zhengzhou ranks 10th in the country with the number of resident population of 12.601 million people and the first place in the central region. Among them, the ten -year population growth of 3.974 million people ranked 5th in the country in the country.

The above data shows that the population of Zhengzhou not only did not decrease, but also increased. what does that mean? How did you do it?

"Population growth is positively related to economic development. In recent years, Zhengzhou's business environment and livable environment have improved significantly, which has accelerated the flow of capital, talent and technology to Zhengzhou, and drives Zhengzhou's total economic, general public budget revenue and resident population. Speed ​​growth. "Song Xiangqing, vice president of the Chinese Society of Commercial Economics and President of the Henan Provincial Commercial Economic Society, believes that the three indicators of the resident population, economic aggregate, and general public budget revenue jumped in Zhengzhou.

In recent years, with a series of national strategies such as national central cities, the ecological protection of the Yellow River Basin, and high -quality development, the release of unprecedented favorable effects, Zhengzhou has entered a period of golden opportunities for high -quality development. Continuously optimized and improved business environment, accelerated the construction of the modern industrial system, so that cities are more and more livable, available, and business, attracting a large number of people to gather in Zhengzhou.

Zhengzhou, Henan, is driving in a row of Fuxing EMUs. Data Map Wang Wei (Visual)

"Population flow, first choose cities with high income levels and good supporting capabilities." Yu Xin'an, vice president of the China Regional Economics Society and Dean of the Innovation and Development Research Institute of China (Henan), said that Zhengzhou, as a provincial capital of Henan, has unique political politics , Economic Resources advantages; as a hub city, it has good generals and convenience, and the comprehensive advantages of competition are outstanding. The trend of the population to Zhengzhou will continue, and it will be accelerated.

Zhengzhou, who is in the period of development, relies on its strong economic strength to show the strong population absorption and bloom vigorous development vitality. "Zhengzhou fully implemented the traction measures such as the three batch of '' '' 'to help the 10,000 enterprises', and the city's economy showed a overall stable and stable and good trend." At present, Zhengzhou's economic development trend is basically stable: the number of market entities continues to grow. At present, there are 1.611 million market entities in the city, an increase of 21.1%compared with April last year. Since this year, 131,000 new market entities have increased by 13.3%year -on -year. Employment remains stable, with 55,000 new employment in the city.

Source: Economic Daily (Reporter Xia Xianqing Yang Zipei)

Produced: Jing Ke

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