After the autumn, I would rather eat less meat, and eat these 6 kinds of mushrooms to enhance the resistance and stable autumn.

Author:Miusu's kitchen Time:2022.08.27

There is a proverb saying: "If you want to be good, mushrooms are a treasure." After the autumn, a large number of mushrooms were listed in various types of mushrooms, which is the best time to taste. Mushrooms are known as the "Plant Queen". Not only are the calories very low, it is very delicious, but also rich in dietary fiber and the essential elements of other human body. Eating mushrooms often helps to enhance the body's resistance. It is the best food for vegetarian food. Essence The following 6 kinds of mushrooms are recommended to eat more.

The first: shiitake mushroom

The shiitake mushrooms have the title of "King of Hundred Mushrooms". It has a thick texture and a refreshing aroma. It is very delicious whether it is stewed soup or cooking. In addition to containing the essential amino acids of the human body, it is also rich in iron, potassium, and vitamin D. Eating mushrooms in autumn can help the body's calcium absorption and improve the body's immune function.

Mushroom fungus fried yuba

【食材】:干香菇 适量,葱蒜 适量,生抽 2勺,腐竹 适量,蚝油 1勺,干木耳 适量,香醋 1勺,淀粉 1小勺、盐 少许,


1. Bamboo soaks in cold water one hour in advance, and then cut into about 5 cm long sections. After the shiitake mushrooms are soft, sliced, and the black fungus of the foam is torn into small flowers.

2. Saver sauce, add raw soy sauce, vinegar, oyster sauce, salt and starch to stir well;

3. Pour the appropriate amount of oil in the pan and heat the minced garlic. Put the bamboo, shiitake mushrooms and fungus into the pot and stir fry for about 2 minutes;

4. Pour in the tuned sauce and stir-fry, add a small amount of water to the lid and simmer in the pot for 3-5 minutes, until the soup is thick;

5. Finally, add green onion and stir fry evenly.

Second: Ping Mushroom

Ping mushrooms, also known as white pipe mushrooms, are also called side ear. The price is generally more close to the people, delicious, and the taste of meat is chewed. Its amino acids are complete and the mineral content is very rich. Among them, the content of protein is very high, which is 2 times that of eggs, which can resist aging, promote digestion, and enhance immunity. Especially some middle -aged and elderly people can extend their lives.

Crispy frying

[Ingredients]: A moderate amount of Ping Mushroom, 1 egg, a moderate amount of flour, 1 spoon of spiced powder, 1 spoon of salt, salt and pepper


1. Remove the roots at the 平 mushroom, clean it, make a pot of boiling water, pour the salt, pour the mushrooms into the pot and scald it. About 20 seconds, tear it into a piece with your hand, squeeze the water as much as possible;

2. Trow the batter, knock the eggs into the large bowl, and put it in the spiced powder and salt evenly. Pour the appropriate amount of flour and stir well. Do not add too much flour at one time. Stir to see the consistency of the batter first.

3. Add some water when you are too dry, and adjust to the batter into a thick shape. Add the flat mushrooms to the batter and stir, so that the flat mushrooms are thin with a thin layer of batter. Don't be too thick and thick.

4. Boil the oil in the pan, put it in the pi -mushrooms one by one when 60 % hot, turn on medium and small heat, and fry until golden yellow removed the oil control;

5. The second frying, the oil temperature should be mature at 8 and 9, mainly to force the oil and water, which will be more crispy and the taste is better. When you eat, you can also sprinkle some salt and pepper according to your own taste.

Third: enoki mushroom

Flammulina mushrooms have the characteristics of refreshing materials at the entrance. They are one of the essential dishes for shabu -shabu ingredients. It contains comprehensive essential amino acid components in the human body. The amount of zinc is relatively high, which can improve memory and promote the intellectual development of children. Therefore, enoki mushrooms are known as "increase mushrooms".

Garlic steaming enoki mushrooms

[Ingredients]: Mushrooms, 2 spoons of raw soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of sesame oil, a little green onion, 5 petals, 1 small spoon of sugar


1. Go to the root of the enoki mushroom, soak it with water for a while, wash it, open the enoki mushrooms and tear it open, and place it in the plate;

2. Put the appropriate amount of base oil in the pan, pour the medium and small heat of the minced garlic until golden yellow, stir -fry the flavor and turn the heat, add oyster sauce, raw soy sauce, sesame oil, and stir -fry the sugar;

3. Pour the adjusted juice into the enoki mushrooms. After the water is boiled, put it in the steamer for 10 minutes, and sprinkle the appropriate amount of green onion.

Fourth type: straw mushroom

Grass mushrooms, also known as orchid mushrooms, have tight and elastic taste. They are rich in a variety of amino acids and vitamin C. In particular, vitamin C content is the first in mushrooms, which can promote the body's metabolism and slow down the body's absorption of carbohydrates.

Oyster sauce mushroom

[Ingredients]: Moderate amount of straw mushrooms, 2 spoons of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of raw soy sauce, 1 spoon of starch, 1 pepper, appropriate amount of green onions,


1. Shi of pepper, cut onion section for later use, wash the straw mushrooms, remove the dirt on the surface, and cut it half.

2. Boil the water, add a few drops of oil, put it in the straw mushrooms for 2 minutes, remove the straw mushrooms and drain the water for later use;

3. Seasoning juice, add oyster sauce in the bowl, raw soy sauce, starch and a small amount of water for later use;

4. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the ginger slices and garlic slices to the pot, then pour in the straw mushrooms to stir fry quickly, add the adjusted ingredients and stir fry and season;

5. Put the chili shreds and onion sections for a while. Simple and delicious oyster sauce straw mushrooms are ready.

Fifth type: Pleurotus eryngii

Pleurotus eryngii is thick and smooth, and is named because it tastes the Q -elastic taste of abalone and the fresh aroma of almonds. It is rich in crude fiber, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients. The spleen appetizer is an ideal nutritional product for weak people and sub -healthy people. Dry cumin Pleurotus eryngii

[Ingredients]: Pleurotus eryngii, moderate amount of white sesame, appropriate amount of minced garlic, 1 spoon of old soy sauce, 1 spoon of raw soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of pepper powder, 1 small spoon of cumin powder, salt 1 spoon, white sugar sugar, white sugar sugar, white sugar sugar 1 spoon,


1. Pleurotus eryngii is torn into stripes by hand, boiled water in the pot and put in Pleurotus eryngii for 1 minute, then removed and squeezed the water with your hands.

2. Put the oil in the hot pot, put the minced garlic and stir -fry, then pour in the small low heat of Pleurotus eryngii, stir fry, stir more for a while, until Pleurotus eryngii is filled with water and dried;

3. After Pleurotus eryngii fry until slightly brilliant, stir -fry the oyster sauce, soy sauce and old soy sauce, and fry until Pleurotus eryngii.

4. When the volume of Pleurotus eryngii is reduced, it is relatively dry. Add sugar, salt, cumin powder, pepper powder and white sesame seeds to stir well.

Sixth type: mouth mushroom

In the early autumn, it is the season when mouth mushrooms are listed. Mushrooms are also called white mushrooms. They are rich in various proteins and essential amino acids, minerals and other elements of the human body. They especially contain a large number of vitamin D. It is also a good hand to prevent osteoporosis.

Mushroom frying pork belly

[Ingredients]: A moderate amount of mushrooms, 2 spoons of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of sugar, a moderate amount of pork belly, an appropriate amount of onion ginger, a little salt, an appropriate amount of starch water,


1. Cut the pork belly into slices for later use, wash the surface of the mushrooms, and then cut the thick slices for later use.

2. A little oil under the hot pot, stir -fry the onion ginger and peppers, add pork belly and stir fry until slightly yellow, stir -fry the oil;

3. After smelling the aroma, stir -fry the mushrooms until the juice, pour in oyster sauce, and season with sugar and salt. After the mushrooms are soft, they are basically cooked. Finally, pour in water starch and thicken, and sprinkle with green onions to get out of the pot.

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