Chinese non -sex marriage accounts for 30%, 50%of which are middle -aged and elderly people, it is n

Author:First psychology Time:2022.06.08

The most interesting and practical psychology of working every day

Eating men and women, people's desire for people. Look, the four words of men and women should be understood separately.

This sentence originally originated from the Book of Rites, which represents the Confucian view of the relationship between men and women. It is precisely because of sex as eating and drinking water, so there are so many scholars in ancient and modern China and foreign countries launched an in -depth investigation.

Finnish famous sociologists, anthropologists and psychologists Edward Alexander Vestemark have proposed that the reason why the childhood playmates of the young plums are difficult to become a partner after adulthood, mainly because they are in The links of common growth have formed a fixed mode of getting along.

Although both men and women have become adults and have gained sexual maturity, because they stayed for too long when they were young, they would not have sex with each other. The attractiveness of the two can be called friendship at most.

Not only that, British social anthropologist Edmontmont believes that the important function of family and marriage is to meet the needs of both husband and wife for sex.

Through the above theory, we can clearly understand that for most people, especially the marriage of couples, sex is definitely an inevitable topic.

For a long time, the facts are indeed the same. According to statistics in 2021, more than 30%of many Chinese couples are in the state of asexual marriage, which means that each four couples There is a sexual life in it.

What is even more surprising is that among those who are asexual marriage, the proportion of middle -aged and elderly people accounts for 50%, that is, 50%of middle -aged and elderly people live Non -asexual marriage. Why is the asexual marriage of the current society so common? It's not just sex.

Traditional concepts and nature

Compared with Western European and American society, the Chinese are more conservative and implicit when discussing this topic. This phenomenon is affected by traditional culture. At the same time, it is also determined by the mode of getting along.

In Chinese society, sexual changes are a common phenomenon, and it is also an inevitable phenomenon, mainly because the Confucian culture of thousands of years makes the Chinese pay more attention to the overall situation. Despite the sexual satisfaction, it still It is an important function of family, but implicit culture and restrained social methods often allow people to hide things related to sex.

and in Western countries, due to the influence of enlightenment thoughts and realistic philosophy, they often regard husband and wife itself as the most important part of the family, so Europeans and Americans are not Avoid talking about this.

Sex can also be called intercourse, as the name suggests, that is, things in the houseThis kind of thing is naturally not suitable for it. Secondly, the Chinese have been influenced by the concept of collectivism. The families in the eyes of everyone are not only personal, but also collectively. From this level These two aspects will form a hedge force, which makes people more avoid the existence of sexual concepts.

Sex in modern society

The development of the era and the changes in society will affect people's concepts. As the work pressure gradually becomes greater, the tasks that people want to take are more complicated, plus plus Inspiring the environmental competition in the upper side, over time, everyone will spend more time and energy on work. In this way, pay less attention to family and families.

People who work overtime may not even have time to eat and rest, let alone the life of husband and wife. At this time, for them And more like dragging.

There is also a significant change in the targeted concept of modern society, that is, people's thoughts are more open, and they are no longer ashamed to mention things related to sex. Even in public, young people dare to hold hands to hug or even kiss to express the warm feelings of both sides.

However, people born in the middle of the last century still retain a conservative personality. They only try to live in the life after marriage, and they are careful when they are in love before marriage.

Nowadays, people will no longer have a curiosity or hope for sex. After the two people get married, they are not urgent to have a husband and wife life. After all, many people have experienced it before marriage.

But no matter how everyone thinks of sexual relationships and sexual needs, it will eventually exist in society as a social fact, which is difficult to change.

More than 30%of China ’s husband and wife live asexual marriage, and middle -aged and elderly people have become the main force. They are unspeakable. One is to be ashamed to talk about this topic, and the other is that I will no longer be interested after experiencing it.

In short, sex is not a flood beast. The reason why people abandon sex now still hide many problems worth thinking about.

-The End -Author | Edit of Tommy | The first psychological main component of the first psychological main group | A group of young people who like to look up at the starry sky. 2018). BEAUTIFUL MESS EFFECT: Self-OTHER DIFFERENCES in Evaluation of Showing Vulnerability. Journal of Personality and Socialchology, 115 (2), 192-205 [123 123 [1233333-203 123]

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