"Advanced Edition" Dingqiao Xiaowanba's secret!And these optimization solutions to understand together!

Author:Shangcheng Published Time:2022.08.27

Since the launch of Dingqiao Xiaowanba on June 1, Hangzhou Bus has fully summarized the experience of the early trial operation. Through the passenger flow analysis platform, according to the opinions of the citizens, they have taken the initiative to find insufficient.

For the systematic optimization of the community microcirculation bus network and provide residents with more convenient, more reliable, more efficient, and smarter bus travel methods, Dingqiao Xiaowanba has improved again. What "big moves" will Baba release? Take a look.

Optimize existing lines to improve passenger recognition

At present, Dingqiao Xiaowanba's line covers various residential areas, hospitals, complexes such as Dingqiao's core north and core southern districts.

However, some passengers have reported that how long they can reach the site, what position the car is now in the site, and the real -time grasp of the information of Xiao Lanba is not comprehensive. Dare to try ride.

In order to enhance the waiting confidence of citizens and passengers and make them have a more assured and convenient car experience, Hangzhou Bus has optimized the current 4 small Lanba lines that are currently operated, and the line code is coded: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Road, opened on August 31. For the specific line direction, please refer to the figure below:

Line 1996 route direction diagram

1997 route direction diagram

1998 route direction diagram

1999 route direction diagram

Add 3 new lines to cover Changmu and Jiantang.

At this stage, the coverage of Dingqiao Xiaowanba is only two units of Dingqiao's core north and core southern districts. Residents who belong to Dingqiao area and the Changmu sectors are also very high in the voices of investing. Through online and offline data analysis and field visits and investigations, Hangzhou Bus learned of this urgent demand and optimized the small Lanba line.


From August 31st, it will open road 1993

For the specific line direction, please refer to the figure below

1993 route direction diagram

Changmu plate

From August 31st, it will open 1994, 1995

For the specific line direction, please refer to the figure below

During the diagram of routes from 1994, 1995

These 3 new lines

The 4 lines with the original

Together with the efficiency of Dingqiao residents!

Dingqiao Xiaowanba 2.0 also has "hidden sites"

The 7 Dingqiao Xiaoli Baba line will improve the service and innovate the operation model on the original basis. In order to further enhance the happiness of citizens and passengers, 7 little Lanta will also provide "demand response" services.

After this service measure is improved, residents can not only take Little Lanba directly to their destinations at their doorstep. At the same time, 7 little Lanta also has the special feature of "hidden sites".

The 7 lines of the 1993-1999 Road use "Sam Supermarket" as a "demand response" service point. If passengers want to go to Sam Supermarket, they can tell the driver after getting on the bus. Essence If there are no passengers along the line to Sam Supermarket, the car will no longer go to Sam Supermarket.

At the same time, after starting from Dingqiao Longhu Tianjie Street to the Changmu area in 1994 and 1995, it will break the original driving route according to the needs of the passengers on the car, reach one click, and directly send passengers back to the community. The measure broke the concept of the operating organization of traditional ground buses, that is, from the "passenger walking" to "passenger traffic" to "bus according to passenger needs".

Dingqiao Xiaowanba brought to passengers

High -efficiency, convenient, and comfortable "green travel"

Organize the travel guide for everyone

The community passed by 7 lines can refer to the table below

There is also a little surprise

Dingqiao Xiaowanba's body is also upgraded

Please look forward to it ~


To create a better ride experience

Dinglan Street will also pilot the "True Bus" for the first time

(For details, click here)

Service improvements such as line optimization, segmented pricing and other services

It also makes travel more efficient and convenient!

(For details, click here)

Source 丨 Dinglan Street Hangzhou Bus

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