At 11:00 on August 26, Liaocheng added a new case of new coronary pneumonia.

Author:Poster news Time:2022.08.26

At 11 o'clock on August 26, 2022, a new case of new coronary pneumonia was added in Liaocheng.

Announced asymptomatic infection 25. During a centralized isolation point for nucleic acid testing, it is found that there is no clinical manifestations such as fever and cough. There is no abnormal CT and blood routine examinations.Those who are diagnosed as asymptomatic infected with new coronary pneumonia will continue to receive isolation observations and the current situation is stable.

Citizens are requested to consciously abide by the relevant regulations of the epidemic prevention and control, do not believe in rumors, rumors, and make rumors, and pay attention to the official information released by the official; do a good job of personal protection, wear masks, wash their hands frequently, gather less, use public chopsticks to maintain a safe social distance from chopsticks, maintain a safe and social distance.; Strengthen health monitoring, if you have symptoms such as fever, cough, diarrhea, fatigue, etc., go to the nearest clinic in time. During the clinic, we wear medical surgical masks to avoid taking public transportation.

Liaocheng Municipal Party Committee coordinates the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic operation

Leading Group (Headquarters) Office

August 26, 2022

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