Anhui Jingde: I have a full stomach and warm my heart.

Author:Anhui County Rong Channel Time:2022.06.18

"Rich dishes, delicious taste, good service and convenient ..." Since the launching elderly food aid services in Jingde County, Xuancheng City, Anhui Province, many elderly food assistance points and elderly cafeterias in operation have received extensive praise from elderly friends. Essence

In the elderly cafeteria in the Happy Hospital of Lishan Village, Jingyang Town, Jingde County, Yang Xiaoju was busy earlier in the morning. She had to prepare an appropriate amount of meals in advance according to the number of dining people on the same day. On the day of the interview, she was burning the trotters and tofu pot. She smiled and told reporters that the trotters had to stew softly and the taste of the elderly.

According to Chu Jun, the secretary of the Party Branch of Lishan Village and the director of the village committee, 436 elderly people over 60 years of age in Lishan Village, accounting for 26.7%of the village. "Combined with this characteristic, we founded the Happiness Institute in 2019 to provide the elderly with aid, bathing, fun, and medical assistance. On April 26 this year, the elderly cafeteria was operated to provide dining services for some elderly people in the village. "

The picture shows the elderly in Laoshan Village for a meal in the elderly cafeteria of Xingfuyuan

The lunch time was approaching, and the cafeteria exuded a burst of meal from time to time. The elderly of the three or two arrived in the cafeteria one after another, gathered around the round table and happily pulled the family, waiting for the delicious meals. After a while, eight stir -fry, one soup, and a pot, a table was full. The old people talked while eating, with a happy smile on their faces. "This cafeteria is good. It is suitable for the elderly who are not at home at home. The vegetables are good and convenient. It feels very good." Said Wang Xialin, a villager of Pushan.

In order to provide the elderly with richer, more diverse, and better meals and services, Jingde County strengthens policy and financial support, and encourages the adoption of "government support, corporate to give a little, society, and the elderly pays a bit". , Multi -channel expansion of the source of funds.

While the old people enjoyed lunch in the cafeteria, volunteers Dai Zhenhua and Zhang Yongyong set off. They sent Wang Qingxie and Xiao Yanpeng, who were inconvenient in the village to send meals in advance.

The home delivery is one of the heart -warming services provided by the elderly who are inconvenient to move. At present, a five -member party volunteer service team has established a five -person party member service team to provide the elderly with a helping service such as aid, living care and spiritual comfort. In the later period, the left -behind women and healthy elderly people in the village will also be assisted to help the elderly with special difficulties such as disability, living, and economic difficulties in rural areas.

Wang Qingxie, a villager of Laoshan, said: "My legs and feet are inconvenient. The elderly cafeteria in the village also gives us the meal at home, and it feels very good."

The elderly cafeteria in the village makes the elderly feel the warmth of the home, and the elderly aids in the city are also lively.

The picture shows the old people discuss ordering before the electronic menu

At the elderly aid site in the Beimen Community, three or five elderly people were discussing ordering for dinner in front of the electronic menu in the picture and text. Duan Dongping, 67, has two meals a day, one for himself, and bringing a copy to his family. The 69 -year -old Tang Lingmin learned the instrument with his friends at the Beimen Community Pension Service Center. In his opinion, it can be entertaining and solved the problem of eating. It is very convenient.

It is understood that in Jingshang City, in accordance with the food assistance system of "Central Kitchen+Community Canteen (Food Assistant)+Delivery", build a central kitchen at the Zishan Hotel in the county. A variety of elderly people's meals and sets of elderly people such as two vegetarian soup and two vegetarian soup. The dishes are based on the principles of salt reduction, oil reduction, and sugar, and pay attention to the combination of thickness and vegetarian vegetarian food to meet the taste and nutritional needs of the elderly.

Zhang Maozhen, residents of Beimen Community, said: "The community has a good time for the elderly dining service, the taste is good, the dishes are not salty, and the burn is soft and rotten, which is suitable for the taste of our elderly."

Jingde County also combined with smart pension services to develop a food aid service management system to produce a cartoon of the smart pension service of Jingde County to achieve the universal food aid. The meal is on the door. The 76 -year -old Yao Bin specially came to the North Gate community for the elderly for the elderly for himself and his wife.

Luo Yang, the person in charge of the Pension Stock of the County Civil Affairs Bureau, introduced that the elderly food aid service is one of the ten warm people's hearts determined by the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government this year, and it is also one of the 20th provincial people's livelihood. Jingde County attaches great importance to the elderly food aid service. At present, one central kitchen has been built, there are two elderly cafeterias in the community, two community aid sites, and one rural canteen. "In the next step, two community elderly food aid service facilities will continue to be constructed. One rural elderly food aid service facility will be opened to the society in addition to meeting the dining needs of the elderly in the courtyard, and it will be opened to the society. The elderly food aid service facilities provide better and more efficient dining services for the elderly in the county, further enhance happiness and gain. "

Source: Ye Zhitian, Rong Media Center, Jingde County

Edit: Ang Yuhao

Review: Zhu Jianghui Gongling Banner

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