"Guard your cautious liver"! Women of childbearing age, please collect this healthy dry goods

Author:Cover news Time:2022.06.18

Cover reporter Xie Jie Zhao Zijun

On the morning of June 18, the "Guarding your careful liver" in Nanchong, Sichuan, Sichuan, "Guarding your careful liver" to care for the female health academic seminar for childbearing age was successfully held. Medical and health experts have gathered, cutting -edge studies sharing, and frequent exchanges ... The guests were carried out on the themes of the construction of healthy cities, caring for feminine power, and liver prevention.

In recent years, women's health topics have attracted much attention. For women of childbearing age, there is also an less well -known hidden "killer" -mut -type hepatitis virus. This is the latest virus found in the current known hepatitis, and women of childbearing age are one of the high -risk people. The seminar aims to actively use the strength of all parties to add bricks to women's health barriers.

"Guarding your caution" to care for the female health academic seminar on the age of childbearing age

What is the hepatitis?

At present, the latest hepatitis virus is found

"Hepatitis virus has various types such as A, B, C, Ding, and Patrol. Hepatitis is an acute infectious disease caused by hepatitis virus infection and transmitted through the septic mouth." Professor Liu Fengjun, deputy chairman of the Sichuan Liver Diseases Society, introduced that hepatitis is a acute infectious disease caused by hepatitis virus infection and transmitted through the septic channel. Hepatitis infection is often dominated by hidden infections. After the infection, most people have mild symptoms and symptoms, and their symptoms are similar to hepatitis A, so they are often underestimated. "However, the current report cases are mostly cases of acute pental hepatitis. The symptoms of liver infection are more serious than hepatitis A, and the mortality rate is higher than hepatitis A."

Professor Liu Fengjun, deputy director of the infection department of the Affiliated Hospital of Sichuan Medical College shared

"Hepatitis is currently discovered the latest hepatitis virus, which is popular worldwide. About 20 million people in the world are infected and 3.3 million people are developing." Liu Fengjun introduced that hepatitis Hepatitis has been considered by the World Health Organization as a developing country of developing countries. Emerging major public health issues.

"The main preventive measures of Koba include the management of the source of infection, cutting off the channels of dissemination, and vaccine protection." Liu Fengjun called for the proportion of patients with severe hepatitis in recent years. Diagnosis and early treatment. For women in childcare, the risk of death after pregnant women infected with hepat liver is higher than that of non -pregnant women. The risk of acute infection of hepatitis in pregnant women is much higher than that of other hepatitis viruses. In particular, it is necessary to pay attention to the vaccination of hepatitis.

Hepatitis antibody detection

Experts call for the screening of liver antibody to deal with high -risk people

"Hepatitis infection has become one of the global hygiene burdens. It is necessary to strengthen the routine screening and active prevention measures of pental antibody antibody." Based on the improvement of the scientific research system, the improvement of the quality of diagnosis and treatment, and the test interpretation of the hepatitis antibody detection.

Zhang Guoyuan, chief technician of the Inspection Division of the Affiliated Hospital of Sichuan Medical College, shared

Zhang Guoyuan said that Nanchong has currently carried out IGM and IGG inspections of pental antibodies. The infection rates of women, catering practitioners, low immunity, and older people in the age of childbearing age have a high rate of infection. The above -mentioned personnel are high -risk people. Especially during pregnancy, women, low immunity, and elderly are severe condition.

Therefore, Zhang Guoyuan appealed to strengthen two tests of pental antibody IgM and IGG for people who suspected hepatitis infection (including nervous system diseases, blood system diseases, and kidney diseases) Essence

Individuals who are prone to serious consequences after hepatitis infection, such as: patients with HIV patients infected with patients, immunosuppressive (low) individuals should mainly detect HEV-RNA, and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation individuals, elderly people, and childcare women can conduct pentathe liver antibody IgM and IGG, IgG, IgG, IgG Two inspections, and inject the pentatheal vaccine in time or optional selection in a timely manner according to the two test results of the pentatheal antibody IGM and IGG.

Ensure the safety of maternal and infants

Two screens for women's free pentagram antibody for women's free pentagram antibodies in Shunqing District

"After long -term brewing and preparation, we and Nanchong Purcell Medical Inspection Institute launched two screens for free -liver antibody antibody in the childbearing age on June 9." At the academic seminar, the party of the Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Shunqing District, Nanchong City, Nanchong City Li Lan, member of the General Branch and Director of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, introduced that the Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Shunqing District was founded in 1953. It is now a second -level Maternal and Child Health Hospital. It is also a certain unit for free pre -marital medical examinations and free pre -pregnancy medical examinations in the jurisdiction and free pre -pregnancy health inspection.

Li Lan, member of the Party Branch of the Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Shunqing District, Nanchong City, Li Lan

"Pay attention to the health of women and children, and ensure that the safety of mothers and infants is the insistence of each of our women and children." Li Lan introduced that in addition to free pre -marital medical examinations, free pre -pregnancy health examinations, femininity for women with free liver antibody antibody, women and children's health care The hospital will also actively carry out other medical service projects to provide more diversified medical services for women in childcare.

Multi -party guardian "Be careful liver"

Add bricks to women's health barriers in childcare

At the seminar site, Nanchong City Federation of Trade Unions, Nanchong Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Women's Federation of Shunqing District, Nanchong City, Marriage Registration Office of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Shunqing District of Nanchong City, Xiamen Wantai Canghai Biotechnology Company, Nanchong Purcell Medical Inspection Institute, etc. Representatives of many units discussed together how to protect the "careful liver" together and add bricks to women's health barriers.

"Among the employees of our union services, female employees occupy half of the sky. Caring for female employees is an important job of union." Du Hongwen, director of the Xuan Department of Nanchong City Federation of Trade Unions and Chairman of Nanchong Workers' Volunteer Service Association, said that health services have always been It is an important working segment of the Nanchong Federation of Trade Unions and the Nanchong Workers' Volunteer Service Association. In the implementation of the "Healthy China" strategic operation, the Nanchong Federation of Trade Unions made the work of "building a strong barrier to protect the health of female employees". For example, relying on the online union platform to carry out interactive activities of various female employees and friends; relying on the volunteer service platform, the female employee HPV vaccination project was planned. Female employees and friends responded very well. "In 2012, the only pentatheal vaccine is currently listed in China in China. In 2013, the vaccine development was successfully selected as the" China's Top Ten Science and Education Progress "." Han Liang, a representative from Xiamen Wantai Canghai Biotechnology Company Hepatitis Vaccine (Yicocing® Hecolin) has been developed and listed. It is suitable for those who are susceptible to susceptible people 16 and above. Forces officers and soldiers, women of childbearing age, travelers in the epidemic area, etc. "I hope everyone should be connected and early."

Share representative of Xiamen Wantai Canghai Biotechnology Company

According to Han Liang, friends who have vaccination in Nanchong area can make an appointment for vaccination at Huanfeng Road Disease Control and Prevention Clinic (No. 200 Huanfeng Road in Shunqing District) in Shunqing District, Nanchong City, or pay attention to online appointments on the "Yue Miao" public account.

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