Hainan added local "217+309" yesterday

Author:Sichuan Observation Time:2022.08.25

At 0-24 o'clock on August 24, 2022, 401 newly infected people in Hainan Province (217 cases were diagnosed, and 125 cases were reduced to the symptoms; 309 cases were not asymptomatic). Among them, there were 217 new local diagnosis (including 125 cases of non -symptoms), of which 170 cases in Sanya City (including 103 cases of non -symptoms), 26 cases of Dazhou City (including 15 cases of non -symptoms), Wanning Wanning, Wanning) 10 cases of the city (including 4 cases of non -symptoms), 5 cases of Ledong County (1 case of non -symptoms), 3 cases of Dongfang City, 1 case of Haikou City (asymptomatic diagnosis), 1 case of Lingao County case (For asymptomatic diagnosis), 1 case of Lingshui County; 309 cases of new natives were added, of which 250 cases in Sanya City, 33 cases of Puzhou City, 20 cases of Ledong County, 3 cases of Wanning City, 2 cases of Haikou City 2 cases 2 cases, Haikou City 2 cases 2 cases, 2 cases of Haikou City. 1 case of Dongfang City.

From August 1st to 24th, 2022, Hainan Province reported a total of 19,363 infected infected people. Among them, 8,062 local confirmed cases (6203 cases in Sanya City, 414 cases of Ledong County, 396 cases in Dongfang City, 388 cases of Dazhou City, 206 cases of Wanning City, 195 cases of Lingshui County, 187 cases of Lingao County, Haikou City, Haikou City 28 cases, 27 cases of Chengmai County, 9 cases of Qionghai City, 7 cases of Wuzhishan City, 1 case of Changjiang County, and 1 case of Ding'an County); 11301 cases of natives (8381 cases in Sanya City, 945 cases in Ledong County, and Dazhou 885 cases, 478 cases of Wanning City, 220 cases in Dongfang City, 197 cases of Lingshui County, 149 cases in Lingao County, 29 cases of Haikou City, 7 cases of Wuzhishan City, 6 cases of Qionghai City, 2 cases of Ding'an County, Chengmai 2 cases of the county).

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