National prefecture -level and above cities with PM2.5 average concentration of 7 years decreased by

Author:Ecological environment Time:2022.06.08

Minister of Ecology and Environment Huang Runqiu said at the National Fifth National Nation's home event at the Sixth Five -Year Environmental Day of 2022 that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country has continuously strengthened ecological environmental protection, and the people's sense of gain has continued to improve. my country takes the solution of ecological and environmental problems as a preferred field of people's livelihood, and has unprecedented determination and intensity to strengthen ecological environmental governance. Compared with 2015, the average PM2.5 concentration of cities and above in 2021 decreased by 34.8%, and the average concentration of Beijing PM2.5 fell by 57.7%. The continuous improvement of the ecological environment has also brought about economic and social benefits. Hebei Saihanba Forest Farm created a miracle of the land of the barren forest and the green mountains and the golden mountains. reason.

Huang Runqiu said that the intensity of carbon emissions in my country in 2020 decreased by 48.4%compared with 2005, and exceeded its foreign commitment. In 2022, the Beijing Winter Olympics became the first \"carbon neutral\" Winter Olympics in Olympic history, showing the firm determination and solid pace of my country's comprehensive green and low -carbon transformation.

my country has been organized in consecutive days in 2017 to host the national home event. This year's event was co -organized by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Central Civilization Office, and the Liaoning Provincial People's Government. The publicity of the National Fifth National Five Environment Day in 2022 demonstrated the achievements of ecological environmental protection in the new era, and revealed the \"Beautiful China, I am a actor\" in 2022, the most beautiful ecological environment volunteer, the top ten public participation cases and the top ten environmental protection facilities. The unit hired five series of parallel forums including the 2022 Ecological Environment invited observer and organized a joint cleaning and beautiful world (Liaoning) Forum, the China Ecological Environment Volunteer Service Forum, and telling the China Ecological and Environmental Story Forum.

Source 丨 People's Daily reporter 丨 Liu Yi

Editor 丨 Xu Pingping

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