The volunteer service team of Xi'an Radio and Television "Hello My City" was selected as "Four Most Beautiful (Best)" advanced typical list

Author:Xi'an Radio and Television Fi Time:2022.06.18

Recently, 18 departments including the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee and the Civilization Office of the Municipal Party Committee issued the "Notice", which announced the "Four Most Beautiful (best)" of the "Four Most Beautiful (Best)" of the city's Lei Feng volunteer service in 2021.

In November 2021, in accordance with the unified deployment of the Central and Provincial Party Committee's Civilization Office, the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Civilization Office of the Municipal Party Committee, the Civil Affairs Bureau, the Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, the Municipal Agricultural and Rural Bureau, the Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, the Municipal Health and Health Commission, the Municipal Health and Health Commission,,, the Municipal Health and Health Commission,, 18 departments including the Municipal Retired Military Affairs Bureau, the Municipal Emergency Administration, the Municipal State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the Municipal Rural Revitalization Bureau, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, the Municipal Women's Federation, the Municipal Science and Technology Association, the Municipal Cultural Federation, the Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation, the Municipal Red Cross Society, the Municipal Red Cross The city jointly carried out the "four most beautiful (best)" advanced typical publicity and selection activities of Lei Feng volunteer service in 2021.

After publicity and launch, grassroots recommendation, strict preliminary review, online display, public likes, centralized review, social publicity and other links, 45 volunteers including Dunbanglian were selected as "the most beautiful volunteer"; Volunteer service organizations were selected as "Best Volunteer Service Organization"; 15 projects including the "Yun Duo Club" volunteer service of Tangyun Community in Xintong District were selected as the "Best Volunteer Service Project"; 15 communities were selected as "the most beautiful volunteer service community".

The "Notice" pointed out that it is hoped that the advanced typical cherish honor, and make persistent efforts, based on the new era, show new actions, continue to promote the spirit of learning Lei Feng's volunteer service spirit, and always be a model practitioner of the core values ​​of socialism. Those who use practical actions to drive more citizens to care, support, and participate in Lei Feng's volunteer service activities, and make participating volunteer services a spiritual pursuit and social fashion.

The "Notice" emphasizes that districts, counties, development zones, and departments must vigorously publicize and report advanced typical deeds to form a strong atmosphere of respecting virtue and good in the whole society; Normalization. The vast number of volunteer service organizations and volunteers must take advanced models as examples, further improve the organization and improve mechanism, and actively cultivate projects such as rural rejuvenation, new era civilization practice, environmental protection, epidemic prevention and control, emergency rescue, and dedication to compose love to work hard to compose for the sake of hard work The new chapter of High -quality development in Xi'an has made greater contributions to welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions!

2021 The city's "Four Most Beautiful (best)" advanced typical list of Lei Feng volunteer service

1. The most beautiful volunteer (45 people)

Dengbanglian Xi'an Federal Stomatology Hospital Free Clinic Team

Li Xin Beilin District Axin Beauty Hairdressing Volunteer Service Team

Volunteer Service Team, Retired Military Volunteer Service Team, Lianhu District, Xi'an, Bai'an

Wang Xiuxia Lianhu District Lijunxi Community Volunteer Service Team

Liu Xuying Xi'an Ed Smart Social Work Service Center

Yang Shuangji Xi'an China Construction Investment Development Co., Ltd.

Yan Yonggang Qiaoqiao District Red Cross Volunteer Service Team

Yang Aili people's housekeeping volunteer service team

Lei Hongliang Western District Yixian Walker Volunteer Association

Small Fire Wry Volunteer Service Team in Weiyang District, Malaysia

Cai Wensheng Yanliang District Power Supply Company Volunteer Service Team

Jiang Ruqi Lintong District West Rail Community Volunteer Service Team

The Volunteer Service Team of the Health Supervision Institute of Zhang Xijuan Lintong District

Deng Bowen Xi'an Retired College Student Soldiers Red Cross "Three Dedication" Volunteer Service Team

Volunteer Service Team, Luyuan Street, Gaoling District

Niu Yanyan Gaoling District Zhongtuo Weian Volunteer Service Team

Volunteer Service Station, Renmin Road Community, Ganting Street, Gao Xiaoping,

Huangxi Youxi Lan Family Public Welfare Volunteer Service Team

Lu Qing Lantian County Shuguang Emergency Rescue Association

Wang Fei Zhan Xi'an Love in the Public Welfare Service Center on the road

Lu Wenjing Xianxian New District Airport New City Taiping Town Youth League Committee Volunteer Service Team

Baixue Xi'an High -tech Sixth Primary School

He Gong China Energy Jian Gezhouba three companies "Nuanyang Yang" Volunteer Service Team

Zheng Quan'an Xi'an 12345 citizen hotline

Wu Tianyi Xi'an Ecological Zone Good Impression Volunteer Service Team

Zhanfei Xi'an International Port District Changan Volunteer Service Team

Wang Tuo Xi'an Public Security Bureau "Warm Blue" Volunteer Service Team

Chen Jin Xi'an Blind School Learning Lei Feng Volunteer Service Team

Yan Jiaheng's Volunteer Service Station

Yangyang Xi'an Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau Volunteer Service Team

Liujia Xi'an Urban and Rural Construction Cadre School

Lukun Xi'an Municipal Facilities Management Center Youth City Political Volunteer Service Team

Zhai Xiaoqian Xi'an Textile City Passenger Transport "Little dimple" Love Volunteer Service Team

Wang Nixian's Third Hospital Red blood cell volunteer service team

Fan Jingtao's Volunteer Team of Xi'an Museum

Huang Zhen Xi'an Emergency Administration "Smurfs" emergency rescue and safety volunteer service team

The Volunteer Service Team of the Hong Kong Affairs Bureau of the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau

Zhang Yi Xi'an Statistics Bureau Volunteer Service Team

Lu Dongyang Xi'an City Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau Volunteer Service Team

Yuan Zixuan Xi'an Radio and Television "Hello My City" Volunteer Service Team

Li Xiaoru Shaanxi Radio and Television Rong Media Group

Ren Danfeng Xi'an Literature and Art Volunteer Association

Cheng Peng Xi'an Red Cross Rehabilitation Volunteer Service Team

Gongqilong Xi'an Public Transport Group Security Branch's Second Bonded Factory "Screw" Volunteer Service Team

Liu Yuanyuan National Taxation General Administration of Taxation, Xi'an International Port District Taxation Bureau Volunteer Service Team

2. Best Volunteer Service Organization (25)

Beilin District Retired Military Volunteer Service Team

Zhang Xiaowei Follow Model Volunteer Service Team

Shaanxi Shangshan Public Welfare Development Center

Xi'an Ed Smart Social Work Service Center

Volunteer Service Team of the Federation of Trade Union in Qiaoqiao District

Xi'an Haitang Vocational College Youth Volunteer Association

Evil Association

"Kangkang" volunteer service team in Weiyang District

Yanliang District Azure Starlight Volunteer Service Team

The Volunteer Service Team of the People's Procuratorate of Chang'an District

State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power Co., Ltd. Xi'an Gaoling District Power Supply Branch Volunteer Service Team

Western Lan Family Public Welfare Volunteer Service Team

Zhouzhi County Erqu Street Volunteer Service Team

Volunteer Service Team of the State Administration of Taxation, Xixian New District Taxation Bureau

China Telecom Shaanxi Company "Love with Tianyi" volunteer service team

Xi'an Airlines Group Volunteer Service Team

Changan Volunteer Service Team of Xi'an International Port District

Cheng Qian Volunteer Service Team of Xi'an Public Security Bureau

Xi'an Funeral Ball Volunteer Service Team

Volunteer Team of the Xi'an Incident Memorial Hall

Xi'an Ninth Hospital Love Volunteer Service Team

Xi'an Emergency Administration "Smurfs" Emergency Rescue and Safety Volunteer Service Team

Xi'an Red Clane Donation First Hospital Volunteer Service Team

Xi'an Public Transport Group Co., Ltd. Youth Volunteer Service Team

Volunteer Service Team of the State Administration of Taxation's Beilin District Taxation Bureau

3. Best Volunteer Service Project (15)

"Yun Duo Club" Volunteer Service Project of Tangyun Community in Xincheng District

"Do not forget the original intention to do a good job in the original intention, deliver meals for the elderly for the empty nest on Saturday weekend" volunteer service project

Lintong District Tangpeng Eye Hospital "Focus on Eye Health, Love Send Light" Volunteer Service Long -term Action

"Community Watch" Volunteer Service Project of Gaoling District Zhongtuo Wei'an Volunteer Service Team

"Little Town and Big Love" Volunteer Service Project in Renmin Road Community, Luanyi District

Lantian County Winter Warm Winter Action "Winter Warm Winter" volunteer service project

Xianhe Water Water Service "Cherish every drop of water and build a happy Luohe" volunteer service project

"Endless Love" Volunteer Service Project of "Gathering Beauty" of Xi'an No. 2 Primary School

The Volunteer "Migrant History Classroom" volunteer service project of Xi'an Museum

Xi'an Kaiyuan Park "helping the old help young, warm cities" convenience service project

Shaanxi Xi'an Bus Station Co., Ltd. "Little Red Riding Hood" Volunteer Service Team "Help Study" Love Activities

Xi'an Central Hospital "Heartbeat" Public Welfare Program-Special Public Welfare Training for Disdo Cardinal CPR Special Emergency Skills

Xi'an Sports Bureau "Nuanyang in Xi'an Sports in Action" Sports Fitness Volunteer Service Team Entering the Community Volunteer Service Project

Xi'an Qinling Wild Zoo "Animal Science Popularization Charm, Warm Children's Heart Public Welfare" project

The "Warm Sun Action" of the Third Hospital of Xi'an City

Fourth, the most beautiful volunteer service community (15)

Ming Palace Community, Ziqiang Road Street, Xincheng District

Lianyuan Road Street Labor No. 1 Fang Community

Sanzheng Community, Provincial Organ, Ducheng Street, Yanta District

Lajiapo Community, Shilipu Street, Shilu District

Qianshan Liushui Community, Tanjia Street, Weiyang District

Hongqi Community, Xinhua Road Street, Yanliang District

Qinling Community, Qinling Street, Lintong District

Shuxiang Road Community, Guo Du Street, Chang'an District

Caotang Community, Ganting Street, Ganting District

Lantian County Languan Street Green Saint Community

Anfu Park Community, Ma Zhanta Town, Zhouzhi County

Poly Champagne Community, Sanqiao Street, Sanqiao Street, Xianxian New District

Xi'an Economic Development District Jinyu Huafu Community

Xi'an Qujiang New District Overseas Chinese Town 108 Fang Community

Xi'an Aerospace Base Hione Open Road Community

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