The Municipal Judicial Bureau carried out the theme party day activities of the theme of the "System for Repairing Systems"

Author:Luliang Daily Time:2022.08.20

On the basis of fully brewing, on the basis of repeated modifications and maturity, on August 12 and 18, the branch branch of the Municipal Judicial Bureau organized two phases to carry out the theme party day activities of the "System for Repairing Systems". Members of the leadership team of the municipal bureau, all party members of various departments, centers, departments, and all party members, preparatory party members, development objects, and activists joined by the party. A total of 44 amendments were revised. The person in charge of the relevant departments made a explanation and statement on the drafting system. Other participants put forward opinions and suggestions, and the activities achieved the goal of "revision, deep learning, and being able to use".

The party group of the Municipal Judicial Bureau focuses on the basic, fundamental, and long -term role of the system for the development of the system and the management of the management of the government, and closely focuses on the implementation of the implementation of the upper and regulations and the standardized standards of the government management. Through the use of departments, central components, and branch discussions, we strive to revise the formation of a systematic system. Through everyone's learning, everyone's evaluation, and discussion, it forms a system of incentives, through the use, compliance, and assessment, forming a Everyone's conviction of democracy.

During the event, the bureau first worked hard on the word "real" to consolidate the foundation of the work. On the basis of comprehensively summarizing the results of the education and rectification of the political and legal team education, deep innovation will abolish the system that does not meet the new situation. It will rise through the successful experience and good approach formed in practice. Disciplinary discipline, finally formed 12 party building systems, 10 operating systems of the government, and 22 business work, and established basic followers for the orderly development of various tasks of mechanical energy. The second is to make articles on the word "deep" to build the soul of politics. Through the amendments to the "Learning System of the theoretical Learning Center of the Party Group of the Luliang City Judicial Bureau" and the "Party Branch Party Member Learning and Education System", the various systems not only conducted a profound study of various systems, but also strengthened the active study and performance of party members and cadres to perform and perform. The sense of responsibility, at the same time, also puts the system at the height and depth of politics, and promotes the standardized operation of judicial administrative work. The third is to find effective results in the word "use". It is required that the system executes party members and cadres should take the lead in expressing their examples, request themselves with higher standards in improving their professional knowledge and work style, and effectively implement the system to implement the system. The deployment is combined with the specific business work. With the sense of responsibility, unable to wait, can't wait, can't afford to wait, and promote the construction of Luliang in the rule of law to a higher level.


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